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Snehil Karn
Visualforce login flow error - Can't Display Page
I am trying to implement an intermidiary page which will display after login but before landing on the home page. I am using visualforce login flow for that. I tried the example provided in salesforce help page
However when I login with the user, it shows the following error and the user is stuck here itself. I do not understand what wrong I am doing:
Here are the code snippets:
VF Page
However when I login with the user, it shows the following error and the user is stuck here itself. I do not understand what wrong I am doing:
Here are the code snippets:
VF Page
<apex:page showHeader="false" controller="VFLoginFlowController"> <h1>You are in VF Login Flow</h1> <apex:form > <apex:commandButton action="{!FinishLoginFlowHome}" value="Finish and Go to Home"/> <apex:commandButton action="{!FinishLoginFlowStartUrl}" value="Finish and Go to StartUrl"/> </apex:form> </apex:page>
public class VFLoginFlowController { public PageReference FinishLoginFlowStartUrl() { //do stuff //finish the login flow and send you to the startUrl (account page in this case) return Auth.SessionManagement.finishLoginFlow('/001'); } public PageReference FinishLoginFlowHome() { //do stuff //finish the login flow and send you the default homepage return Auth.SessionManagement.finishLoginFlow(); } }
Thanks for your response. I am not stuck or locked out. I have to implement a login flow using VF page. I am trying to implement that but instead of that page showing, I see the error page as shown in the description. I am looking for a solution for that issue.
Have you fixed this issue?
Have you fixed the above issue , please let me know
Thanks in advance