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Mounika Karri 6Mounika Karri 6 

scenario, child to parent trigger where child- case, parent-opportunity with lookup relation. There is a field named opcase in opportunity which is a read only field .Whenever the case status is changed or created it should reflect in opcase

Best Answer chosen by Mounika Karri 6
Prakhar Saxena 19Prakhar Saxena 19

Just replace the lines 11 and 26 (In Case Handler) with:
opp.Opcase__c = newCases.get(i).Status;


All Answers

Prakhar Saxena 19Prakhar Saxena 19
Hi Mounika,

Try the following code:
trigger TriggerOnCase on Case (after insert, after update) {

    CaseHandler handler = new CaseHandler();
            handler.changeOppfield(Trigger.Old, Trigger.New);
public class CaseHandler {
    public void changeOppfield(List<Case> newCases){
        for(Integer i = 0; i<Trigger.size; i++){
            if(newCases.get(i).Opportunity__c != null){
                Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
                opp.Id = newCases.get(i).Opportunity__c;
                opp.Opcase__c = 'Case status was changed';
                update opp;
    public void changeOppfield(List<Case> oldCases, List<Case> newCases){
        for(Integer i = 0; i<Trigger.size; i++){
            if(oldCases.get(i).Status != newCases.get(i).Status && newCases.get(i).Opportunity__c != null){
                Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
                opp.Id = newCases.get(i).Opportunity__c;
                opp.Opcase__c = 'Case status was changed';
                System.debug('Opp is: '+opp);
                System.debug('Opp is: '+opp.Opcase__c);
                update opp;

The trigger fires on after insert and after update.

On after insert it passes the list of new Cases triggered to the handler method by using Trigger.New (Since these are new records, there won't be Trigger.old in this case.)
On after update, it passes the list of both old and new Cases triggered to the handler method by using Trigger.Old and Trigger.New.

The changeOppfield method then checks if the particular Case is linked to the Opportunity or not. If it is linked and the Case status was changed, it updates the corresponding Opportunity's Opcase__c field.
Mounika Karri 6Mounika Karri 6
Hi Prakhar,
Thanks a lot for the code. But the oppcase should show the status of the case like new or escalated or whatever it is changed to.
Prakhar Saxena 19Prakhar Saxena 19

Just replace the lines 11 and 26 (In Case Handler) with:
opp.Opcase__c = newCases.get(i).Status;

This was selected as the best answer
Mounika Karri 6Mounika Karri 6
Thank you!
Prakhar Saxena 19Prakhar Saxena 19

If this helped you solve the problem, please mark it as the Best Answer.
