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Benjamin Chute 4Benjamin Chute 4 

Auto-sync Product to Opportunity


I'm trying to help trouble-shoot an issue with a flow which is invoked by a process.  The whole thing is supposed to result in an automatic synchronization between the product and opportunity.

Right now, if I add a quote to an opportunity which has a product, the quote will save but the product will disappear from the opportunity.

User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image
Ankit Kalsara 6Ankit Kalsara 6
Hi Benjamin,

You are just setting the Synced Quote to the opportunity. You may have to move the quote line items to Opportunity line items as well.
Benjamin Chute 4Benjamin Chute 4
Hi Ankit,

Thanks for the reply.  Can you provide additional information?  I'm not entirely certain how I would have to move the quote line items to Opportunity line items.