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Urgent :: how to take the modified value from an inputText
Hi Guys,
I have a VF page, which loads the value when its opened based on SOQL query output.
When user modifies the input value, it should update on the same record whereas its not heppening for me.
Below is my code, and its very urgent. Can someone pls help me? as I am new to this development, I am struggling.
public class EditQAAMController {
Double MondayPrevet{get; set;}
public Double EmpMap_Monday { get
return EmpMap.get('Monday');
this.MondayPrevet = EmpMap_Monday;
public map<String,Double> EmpMap = new map<String, Double>();
public EditQAAMController()
strText = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('str');
list<QAAM_Weekly_Planner__c> queryData;
public void init()
queryData = [select CommentsAvailability__c, Other1Title__c, Other2Title__c, Picklist__c, Date_QAAM__c, Week_Start_Date__c,
Availability__c, ReasonAvailability__c, Work_Hours__c, Pre_Vet_Reviews__c, BAU_File_Reviews__c, Debriefs__c,
File_Selection__c, Other_work__c, Other_work_Estimate__c, Total_Work_Time__c, Team_Meeting__c, Huddle__c,
Quarterly_Updates__c, Governance_Forums__c, Performance_Reviews__c, Tea_Breaks__c, CPD_e_Learning_Maintenance__c,
Coaching__c, PD_Days__c, One_on_Ones__c, Weekly_Tracker_preparation__c, Business_Communications__c,
Other__c, Other1__c, Other2__c, Project_Time__c, Other_Time__c, Project_Time_Description__c,
Other_Time_Description__c, Shrinkage_time__c, Available_Time__c, Availability_Checking__c, id, Week__C
from QAAM_Weekly_Planner__c where Week__C =: strText];
list<String> weekDataStatic = new list<String>{'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday'};
integer i=0;
for(QAAM_Weekly_Planner__c q : queryData)
dateInput = q.Week_Start_Date__c;
EmpMap.put(weekDataStatic[i], q.Pre_Vet_Reviews__c);
/////This below method is called while doing the save action
public void saveButton() {
List<QAAM_Weekly_Planner__c> updateWeekValuetotal = new List<QAAM_Weekly_Planner__c>();
for(QAAM_Weekly_Planner__c q : queryData)
q.Week_Start_Date__c = q.Week_Start_Date__c;
System.debug('The value from UI is: ' +MondayPrevet);
q.Pre_Vet_Reviews__c = MondayPrevet;
update updateWeekValuetotal;
1st step, I load the page.. my Init method gets called by attribute action from tag page, loads value to my VF page.
all the input feilds are populated with proper values.
2nd step, i edit the values in the input feild. I click on save action. only old values are retained and updated. I guess my Init method is again called. Kindly help.
pubulic Double MondayPrevet{get; set;}