function readOnly(count){ }
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List<integer> intvales = new List<integer>{1,2,3,4,3,2,1}; set<integer> uniquevalues = new set<integer>(intvales); system.debug('uniquevalues=='+uniquevalues); Map<integer,Integer> RepeatedCount = new Map<integer,Integer>(); for(integer key : intvales) { if(!RepeatedCount.containsKey(key)){ RepeatedCount.put(key,0); } Integer currentInt=RepeatedCount .get(key)+1; RepeatedCount.put(key,currentInt); } system.debug('Repeated Values count=='+RepeatedCount);
List<integer> intvales = new List<integer>{1,2,3,4,3,2,1}; set<integer> uniquevalues = new set<integer>(intvales); system.debug('uniquevalues=='+uniquevalues); Map<integer,Integer> RepeatedCount = new Map<integer,Integer>(); for(integer key : intvales) { if(!RepeatedCount.containsKey(key)){ RepeatedCount.put(key,0); } Integer currentInt=elCount.get(key)+1; RepeatedCount.put(key,currentInt); } system.debug('Repeated Values count=='+RepeatedCount);
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