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Jennifer Wolfel 13Jennifer Wolfel 13 

Debugging with Email Message Flow

Hey all, I have a flow that I am kicking off when an email message is recevied by the system.  When I try to debug since it's not working right, I cannot do so as I cannot for the life of me figure out how to pick an email in the system to test from!  This is the screen and what it's looking for.  What does it want here.  The ID of an icoming email preveiously recieved did not do the trick.  I'm having an issue with this flow not working and I really want to run in debug mode to figure out where it's stopping in the process!  I've searched google and can't find anything on how to pass this flow an email message! 


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David Roberts 4David Roberts 4
I have the same issue. Does anyone have an answer?
Andy Lavelle 6Andy Lavelle 6
Googled and found this. I can't figure out how to debug a flow on emails. Help.
Michel Carrillo 1Michel Carrillo 1
This is a known issue:
Warren WangWarren Wang
Hello, I also met this problem, is there anyone have a solution?