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Help me write the test class for this Apex class.
Apex class
global class TaskCreation {
global class Result {
webservice Integer returnCode;
webservice String message='';
global static Result CreationLeadTask() {
Result res=new Result();
Map<String, Object> requestBody = (Map<String, Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(RestContext.request.requestBody.toString());
Map < String, Object > mSet = (Map < String, Object > ) requestBody.get('taskDetails');
String ID = (String) mSet.get('cusID');
String assignedTo = (String) mSet.get('assignedTo');
String taskName = (String) mSet.get('taskName');
String priority = (String) mSet.get('priority');
String activityDate = (String) mSet.get('activityDate');
Date newDate = activityDate != '' && activityDate != null ? Date.valueOf(activityDate) : null;
List<Lead> LeadsToBeUpdated = new List<Lead>();
if (String.isEmpty(ID)) {
res.returnCode = 400;
return res;
List<Lead> Leadlist =[SELECT id,Lead.OwnerId, RecordType.DeveloperName FROM Lead where Id = :ID AND RecordType.DeveloperName = 'Person'];
if(Leadlist == null || Leadlist.size() == 0){
res.returnCode = 401;
res.message = 'No Lead found with this Id';
return res;
List<Task> Tasklist = new List<Task>();
Task Ta = new Task();
Ta.OwnerId= assignedTo != '' && assignedTo != null ? assignedTo : Leadlist[0].OwnerId;
Ta.Status = 'New';
Ta.Subject= taskName;
Ta.Priority = priority != '' && priority != null ? priority : 'Normal';
Ta.WhoId = Leadlist[0].id;
Ta.ActivityDate =newDate;
if (!Tasklist.isEmpty()) {
insert Tasklist ;
res.returnCode = 201;
res.recordId = Tasklist[0].id;
res.message='Task creation was successful.';
if (Leadlist.size() != 0 && Ta.Subject == 'TASK CREATION') {
Lead LeadUpdate = new Lead(Id = Leadlist[0].Id);
LeadUpdate.update = 'Yes';
Update LeadUpdate;
return res;
global class TaskCreation {
global class Result {
webservice Integer returnCode;
webservice String message='';
global static Result CreationLeadTask() {
Result res=new Result();
Map<String, Object> requestBody = (Map<String, Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(RestContext.request.requestBody.toString());
Map < String, Object > mSet = (Map < String, Object > ) requestBody.get('taskDetails');
String ID = (String) mSet.get('cusID');
String assignedTo = (String) mSet.get('assignedTo');
String taskName = (String) mSet.get('taskName');
String priority = (String) mSet.get('priority');
String activityDate = (String) mSet.get('activityDate');
Date newDate = activityDate != '' && activityDate != null ? Date.valueOf(activityDate) : null;
List<Lead> LeadsToBeUpdated = new List<Lead>();
if (String.isEmpty(ID)) {
res.returnCode = 400;
return res;
List<Lead> Leadlist =[SELECT id,Lead.OwnerId, RecordType.DeveloperName FROM Lead where Id = :ID AND RecordType.DeveloperName = 'Person'];
if(Leadlist == null || Leadlist.size() == 0){
res.returnCode = 401;
res.message = 'No Lead found with this Id';
return res;
List<Task> Tasklist = new List<Task>();
Task Ta = new Task();
Ta.OwnerId= assignedTo != '' && assignedTo != null ? assignedTo : Leadlist[0].OwnerId;
Ta.Status = 'New';
Ta.Subject= taskName;
Ta.Priority = priority != '' && priority != null ? priority : 'Normal';
Ta.WhoId = Leadlist[0].id;
Ta.ActivityDate =newDate;
if (!Tasklist.isEmpty()) {
insert Tasklist ;
res.returnCode = 201;
res.recordId = Tasklist[0].id;
res.message='Task creation was successful.';
if (Leadlist.size() != 0 && Ta.Subject == 'TASK CREATION') {
Lead LeadUpdate = new Lead(Id = Leadlist[0].Id);
LeadUpdate.update = 'Yes';
Update LeadUpdate;
return res;
Are you able to save the above apex class. I am getting 4 errors while saving the Apex class itself. Can you recheck and confirm on it.