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Hemant Pareek 8
Integrating facebook messanger with salesforce
I want to send message from a rest api hit to facebook messanger. for this I reffered the link : but on hitting the api am getting error.
Error: { "error": { "message": "(#100) No matching user found", "type": "OAuthException", "code": 100, "error_subcode": 2018001, "fbtrace_id": "AHlqjvar_5mQ78CT1iMu4Ac" } }
Note: The page access token is alive when I tested it and the id provided is recipient is a valid id retrieved by hitting get request using graph api explorer via recipient's facebook account also the sender have the page_messaging permission.
Httprequest req = new httpRequest(); req.setEndPoint(''); String body = '{'+ '"recipient": {'+ '"id": "1229442117258672"'+ '},'+ '"message": {'+ '"text": "hello, world!"' + '}' + '}'; req.setMethod('POST'); req.setBody(body); req.setHeader('Content-Type','application/json'); Http h = new Http(); HttpResponse res = h.send(req); system.debug(res.getBody());
Error: { "error": { "message": "(#100) No matching user found", "type": "OAuthException", "code": 100, "error_subcode": 2018001, "fbtrace_id": "AHlqjvar_5mQ78CT1iMu4Ac" } }
Note: The page access token is alive when I tested it and the id provided is recipient is a valid id retrieved by hitting get request using graph api explorer via recipient's facebook account also the sender have the page_messaging permission.
Henny Goel
Check ford f150forum (