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Narsimha Rao
lightning:inputRichText value losing HTML format when text is added.
I'm building a dynamic HTML string in my helper class and assigning that string as value to lightning:inputRichText. When I add any text to lightning:inputRichText, the value which has the HTML tags is losing the tags.
Here is a sample dynamic HTML string before adding input text to lightning:inputRichText.
Here is HTML value after adding blank space to the input
How can I avoid the above from happening? I just want the value to retain the HTML tags and not lose the format.
I'm building a dynamic HTML string in my helper class and assigning that string as value to lightning:inputRichText. When I add any text to lightning:inputRichText, the value which has the HTML tags is losing the tags.
Here is a sample dynamic HTML string before adding input text to lightning:inputRichText.
<HTML ><strong><u>Quick Note Details</u></strong><br/>Type of Meeting: General Update<br/>Date: Dec 2, 2019<br/><br/><strong><u>Total Commitments </u></strong><br/>Direct Commitments: $5,098m<br/><br/><strong><u>Opportunities Discussed</u></strong><br/><p><b>SCRF IV (Closed, 125m)</b></p><p>Consultant: Abbott Capital Management (Consultant-led)<ul><li>Summary<ul><li>02-Dec-2019-Test Summary</li></ul></li></ul><br/><br/><strong><u>Organization Overview</u></strong><br/><!--Overview--><br/><br/><strong><u>Organization Details</u></strong><br/><strong>AUM (MM) [USD]: </strong>$110,000<br/><strong>Coverage: </strong><!--Coverage--><br/><strong>Secondary Coverage: </strong>Secondary Coverage<br/><br/><strong><u>Direct Commitments</u></strong><table></table><br/></HTML>Here is the lightning:inputRichText statement in the component
<lightning:inputRichText value="{!v.emailBody}" label="Body" aura:id="editor" />
Here is HTML value after adding blank space to the input
<p><b><u>Quick Note Details</u></b></p><p>Type of Meeting: General Update</p><p>Date: Dec 2, 2019</p><p><br></p><p><b><u>Total Commitments </u></b></p><p>Direct Commitments: $5,098m</p><p><br></p><p><b><u>Opportunities Discussed</u></b></p><p><b>SCRF IV (Closed, 125m)</b></p><p>Consultant: Abbott Capital Management (Consultant-led)</p><ul><li>Summary<ul><li>02-Dec-2019-Test Summary</li></ul></li></ul><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><b><u>Organization Overview</u></b></p><p><!--Overview-->.</p><p><br></p><p><b><u>Organization Details</u></b></p><p><b>AUM (MM) [USD]: </b>$110,000</p><p><b>Coverage: </b><!--Coverage--></p><p><b>Secondary Coverage: </b>Secondary Coverage</p><p><br></p><p><b><u>Direct Commitments</u></b></p><table></table><p><br></p>
How can I avoid the above from happening? I just want the value to retain the HTML tags and not lose the format.
As it's mentioned in the , if you include the <lightning:inputRichText> tag inside a <pre> tag this should work.