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Vijay A 8
Please help me test class for code coverage 75%
Hi All,
Below are my Controller and my Test Class. Please help me test class for code coverage 75%.
Below are my Controller and my Test Class. Please help me test class for code coverage 75%.
public class ContactDuplicationCon { private final Contact contact; public string accId {get; set;} public string accname {get; set;} public boolean acclookup {get; set;} public boolean accstring {get; set;} public Datetime activityLastDate; public List<ActivityHistory> activityList = new List<ActivityHistory>(); public List<ActivityHistory> activityListcontact = new List<ActivityHistory>(); public ContactDuplicationCon(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { // Define the values for the contact you’re processing based on its ID Id id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); accId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('accId'); //system.debug('accid====='+accId); acclookup = true; accstring = false; if(accId != NULL){ Account ac = [select id,name from Account where id =: accId]; accname =; acclookup = false; accstring = true; } = (id == null) ? new Contact() : [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, AccountId ,Sub_Division__c,Account.Sub_Division_Name__c,Address__c,Title,Active__c,Target_Audience__c,MailingStreet, MailingCity,MailingState,MailingPostalCode,MailingCountry, Fax,LeadSource,AssistantName,Department FROM Contact WHERE Id = :id]; } // Return contact and its values to the Visualforce page for display public Contact getContact() { return; } public PageReference contactsave() { if(accId != Null){ Contact.AccountId = accId; } Account acc = [select id,name,Sub_Division_Name__c from account where id =: contact.AccountId]; List<Contact> cc = new List<Contact>(); system.debug('account===='+contact.AccountId); cc = [Select id,lastname,firstname,email,Sub_Division__c,Account.Sub_Division_Name__c, (Select id,Status,OwnerId,CreatedDate,EndDateTime,LastModifiedDate,WhoId,Priority,Subject From ActivityHistories ORDER BY LastModifiedDate ASC Limit 1) from contact where email =: AND Sub_Division__c =: acc.Sub_Division_Name__c ]; List<Lead> ld = [Select id,name,email,Sub_Division_Name__c, (Select id,Status,OwnerId,CreatedDate,EndDateTime,LastModifiedDate,WhoId,Priority,Subject From ActivityHistories ORDER BY LastModifiedDate ASC Limit 1) from Lead where email =: AND Sub_Division_Name__c =: acc.Sub_Division_Name__c]; //system.debug('subdivision====='+acc.Sub_Division_Name__c); //System.debug('Contact List Size =====>'+cc.size()); //System.debug('Lead List Size =====>'+ld.size()); //System.debug('email==='; if(cc.size() >= 1){ for(Contact contacts : cc){ //System.debug('Inside ContactActivity Loop'); for(ActivityHistory activityhiscon : contacts.ActivityHistories){ activityListcontact.add(activityhiscon); } System.debug('Contact Activity Size ======>'+activityListcontact.size()); if(activityListcontact.size() <= 0){ //System.debug('Contact Inside Activity List'); insert contact; PageReference ContactDuplication = new PageReference('/' + Contact.Id); ContactDuplication.setRedirect(true); return ContactDuplication; }else{ for(ActivityHistory activityhiscon : contacts.ActivityHistories){ //System.debug('contact ActivityHistory LastModifiedDate ====> '+activityhiscon.LastModifiedDate); activityLastDate = activityhiscon.LastModifiedDate + 30; //System.debug('Contact activityLastDate ====> '+activityLastDate); if(activityLastDate >{ User u = [select id,Name,username,email from User where id =: userInfo.getUserId()]; Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail= new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); string [] toAdd = new string[]{''}; mail.setToAddresses(toAdd); mail.setSubject('Contact Duplication'); mail.setPlainTextBody('Dear Admin'+ '\n\nBelow User trying to create duplicate email ' '\n\nName:' + u.Name+ '\nUserName : '+ u.Username + '\n\nThank You.'+ '\n\n TEAM.'); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] messages = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> {mail}; Messaging.SendEmailResult[] results = Messaging.sendEmail(messages); if (results[0].success) { System.debug('The email was sent successfully.'); } else { System.debug('The email failed to send: ' + results[0].errors[0].message); } ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'Email already exist with same subdivision in Contact')); } } } } } else if(ld.size() >= 1){ System.debug('Inside Lead Loop'); for(Lead leads : ld){ //System.debug('Inside LeadActivity Loop'); for(ActivityHistory activityhis : leads.ActivityHistories){ activityList.add(activityhis); } //System.debug('Activity Size ======>'+activityList.size()); if(activityList.size() <= 0){ System.debug('Lead Inside Activity List'); insert contact; PageReference ContactDuplication = new PageReference('/' + Contact.Id); ContactDuplication.setRedirect(true); return ContactDuplication; }else{ for(ActivityHistory activityhis : leads.ActivityHistories){ //System.debug('Lead ActivityHistory LastModifiedDate ====> '+activityhis.LastModifiedDate); activityLastDate = activityhis.LastModifiedDate + 30; //System.debug('Lead activityLastDate ====> '+activityLastDate); if(activityLastDate >{ User u = [select id,Name,username,email from User where id =: userInfo.getUserId()]; Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail= new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); string [] toAdd = new string[]{''}; mail.setToAddresses(toAdd); mail.setSubject('Lead Duplication'); mail.setPlainTextBody('Dear Admin'+ '\n\nBelow User trying to create duplicate email ' '\n\nName:' + u.Name+ '\nUserName : '+ u.Username + '\n\nThank You.'+ '\n\nTEAM.'); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] messages = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> {mail}; Messaging.SendEmailResult[] results = Messaging.sendEmail(messages); if (results[0].success) { System.debug('The email was sent successfully.'); } else { System.debug('The email failed to send: ' + results[0].errors[0].message); } ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'Email already exist with same subdivision in Lead')); } } } } } else{ insert contact; PageReference ContactDuplication = new PageReference('/' + Contact.Id); ContactDuplication.setRedirect(true); return ContactDuplication; } return null; } public PageReference Cancel(){ PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/lightning/o/Contact/list?filterName=Recent'); pageRef.setRedirect(true); return pageRef; } } ----------------------------------- @isTest public class ContactDuplicationConTest { static testMethod void testMethod1(){ lead ld = new lead (); ld.LastName = 'Test'; = ''; ld.Company = 'testcomp'; ld.Status = 'Followup'; ld.LeadSource = '360 camp'; ld.Division_Name__c = 'test division'; ld.Sub_Division_Name__c = 'test subdivision'; insert ld; Account a = new Account(); a.Name = 'testaccount'; a.Sub_Division_Name__c = 'Global division'; insert a; contact con = new contact(); con.LastName = 'testcon'; con.AccountId =; con.Email= ''; insert con; Event e = new Event();;;; insert e; Task taskCreate = new Task(); taskCreate.WhoId = ld.Id; taskCreate.Status = 'Completed'; taskCreate.Priority = 'Normal'; taskCreate.Subject = 'Dummy subject'; taskCreate.ActivityDate =; insert taskCreate; apexPages.Currentpage().getParameters().put('Id',; Apexpages.StandardController sc = new Apexpages.StandardController(con); ContactDuplicationCon ext = new ContactDuplicationCon(sc); ext.cancel(); ext.contactsave(); ext.getContact(); } static testMethod void testMethod2(){ lead ld = new lead (); ld.LastName = 'Test123'; ld.Email = ''; ld.Company = 'testcomp123'; ld.Status = 'Followup'; ld.LeadSource = '360 camp'; ld.Division_Name__c = 'test division'; ld.Sub_Division_Name__c = 'test subdivision'; insert ld; Event e = new Event();;;; insert e; Task taskCreate = new Task(); taskCreate.WhoId = ld.Id; taskCreate.Status = 'Completed'; taskCreate.Priority = 'Normal'; taskCreate.Subject = 'Dummy subject'; taskCreate.ActivityDate =; insert taskCreate; Account a = new Account(); a.Name = 'testaccount'; a.Sub_Division_Name__c = 'Global division'; insert a; contact con1 = new contact(); con1.LastName = 'testcon1'; con1.AccountId =; con1.Email = ''; insert con1; apexPages.Currentpage().getParameters().put('Id',; Apexpages.StandardController sc = new Apexpages.StandardController(con1); ContactDuplicationCon ext = new ContactDuplicationCon(sc); ext.cancel(); ext.contactsave(); ext.getContact(); } }
Instead of:
Apexpages.StandardController sc = new Apexpages.StandardController(con);
ContactDuplicationCon ext = new ContactDuplicationCon(sc);
PageReference pageReferenceObject = Page.Your_Page_Name;
ContactDuplicationCon ext = new ContactDuplicationCon(sc);
Do let me know if this helps you.
Thank you for the reply.
I added some more code in class and added 2 more testmethods in test class, Now its covered.
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