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palash paunikar 6
unknown component apex:pageBlock
<apex:page controller="setterGetterapex_class" >
<apex:pageBlock title="My calculations">
<apex:commandButton value="ADD" action="{!add}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="SUB" action="{!sub}"/>
<apex:BlockSection title="Simple Operations">
<apex:outputLabel>Enter x value</apex:outputLabel>
<apex:inputText value="{!xvalue}"/>
<apex:outputLabel>Enter y value</apex:outputLabel>
<apex:inputText value="{!yvalue}"/>
you ave performed{!opretion of value{!xvalue} and {!yvalue} finally result is{!result} }
<apex:pageBlock title="My calculations">
<apex:commandButton value="ADD" action="{!add}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="SUB" action="{!sub}"/>
<apex:BlockSection title="Simple Operations">
<apex:outputLabel>Enter x value</apex:outputLabel>
<apex:inputText value="{!xvalue}"/>
<apex:outputLabel>Enter y value</apex:outputLabel>
<apex:inputText value="{!yvalue}"/>
you ave performed{!opretion of value{!xvalue} and {!yvalue} finally result is{!result} }
You have used <apex:BlockSection title="Simple Operations"> and i don`t think vf page supports this attribute.
You also have " you ave performed{!opretion of value{!xvalue} and {!yvalue} finally result is{!result} }" you have put the text part in the expression too you don`t need to do that.
Do le me know if you have any query.
P.S: Mark this as the best answer if this helped you.
Shubham Kumar