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khushbu parmar 5khushbu parmar 5 

Push notification not working in Salesforce1 app when someone mentioned in chatter post.

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Khushbu,

Have you enabled all in-app notifications on the mobile device?

As per

"To ensure that sensitive information isn’t distributed through a third-party service without proper authorization, push notifications include minimal content (such as a user’s name) unless you enable full content push notifications."

If this doesn't help, can you let me know if it is specific to your device or across all the Orgs? Can you share the device name and SFmobile app version you are using so that I can try to replicate from my end ?

grace shelbygrace shelby
Check out this solved question here: Answer. (
Hope this might help you!
Best Regards,WhatsappSniffer (
Md Raza 6Md Raza 6
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