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Dippan PatelDippan Patel 

Periodic security review


I have a package which is due for it's security review. However I'm not ready to release a new version on appexchange yet. Can I send the same package for periodic review? Or is it necessary to have a newer version of package? 

Thank you
Best Answer chosen by Dippan Patel
Agustin BAgustin B
Hi Dippan, the periodic review is for the package that is on production so from my point of view: yes.
Here you have some official information regarding this:

if it helps, please mark as correct, it may help others

All Answers

Agustin BAgustin B
Hi Dippan, the periodic review is for the package that is on production so from my point of view: yes.
Here you have some official information regarding this:

if it helps, please mark as correct, it may help others
This was selected as the best answer
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Dippan,

All applications enrolled in the AppExchange and/or OEM Program must go through a periodic security review. The Security Review has been developed to assess the security posture of partner organizations and to ensure that all applications published on the AppExchange follow industry best practices for security standards.

You might need to send for security review,  However, would suggest you to contact your ISV AE or log a case in the partner portal.

Review below links which can give more information.

Hope above information was helpful.

Please mark as Best Answer so that it can help others in the future.

Vinay Kumar
Nalini ch 6Nalini ch 6

It looks like our team of experts can help you resolve this ticket. We have Salesforce global help-desk support and you can log a case and our Customer Success Agents will help you solve this issue. You can also speak to them on live chat. Click on the below link to contact our help-desk. Trust me it is a support service that we are offering for free!

Jarvis SFDC team