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Kris Webster
Trigger not working.. PLEASE HELP
I have a object called Project (pse__Proj__c) that has a lookup field on it called campaign (Campaign__c). I also have another object called Expense Reports (pse__Expense_Report__c) that also has the same lookup field on it, buit with a different API name (Campaign_Expense__c). Basically what I need the code to do is that when a new expense report record is created I need the value that is found in the Campaign (Campaign__c) field (on the project object) to fill the campaign object on the expense report object with the same value.
Here is the code I have, but it is not filling the field on the expense report object with the campaign. PLEASE HELP !
I have a object called Project (pse__Proj__c) that has a lookup field on it called campaign (Campaign__c). I also have another object called Expense Reports (pse__Expense_Report__c) that also has the same lookup field on it, buit with a different API name (Campaign_Expense__c). Basically what I need the code to do is that when a new expense report record is created I need the value that is found in the Campaign (Campaign__c) field (on the project object) to fill the campaign object on the expense report object with the same value.
Here is the code I have, but it is not filling the field on the expense report object with the campaign. PLEASE HELP !
trigger Updatecampaign on pse__Expense_Report__c (before insert,before Update) { // Local catches for bulkified data private map<Id, pse__Proj__c> projMap = new map<Id, pse__Proj__c>(); for (pse__Expense_Report__c er: ( projectIds.add(er.Campaign_Expense__c); } for{pse__Proj__c pro: [select id, Campaign__c from pse__Proj__c where Campaign__c in :projectIds]} { projMap.put(pro.Campaign__c, projMap) } for (pse__Expense_Report__c er : { er.Campaign_Expense__c=projMap.get(er.Campaign_Expense__c).Id; } }
I believe pse__Proj__c and pse__Expense_Report__c are related and have lookup relationship. Can you please confirm pse__Expense_Report__c has a lookup field for object pse__Proj__c and mention API name of that field (Field on pse__Expense_Report__c object)?
If I understand your requirements correctly, below code should do it. Please update the API name of the field on this code on line #2.
Please let me know for any questions. Thanks.