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Not able to get inside for loop when testing
I have three for loops in my controller and when I run the test, I get code coverage everywhere except inside of the three for loops. Can someone point me in the right direction?
public with sharing class applyPayments_Controller { public List<InvoiceWrapper> searched_invoices {get;set;} public List<gii__OrderInvoice__c> selectedInvoices {get;set;} public string accountName {get;set;} public boolean viewTable; public date paymentDate {get;set;} public string paymentMethod {get;set;} public string reference {get;set;} public decimal amount {get;set;} public string comments {get;set;} public Boolean getViewTable() { return this.viewTable; } public applyPayments_Controller() { viewTable=false; searched_invoices = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); } public void searchInvoices() { string likeAccountName = '%' + accountName + '%'; searched_invoices.clear(); for(gii__OrderInvoice__c i: [select Id, Name, Total_Invoice__c, gii__BalanceAmount__c, Past_Due__c, Account_Name__c, gii__Status__c from gii__OrderInvoice__c where (Account_Name__c LIKE :likeAccountName AND gii__Status__c != 'Cancelled' AND Past_Due__c != 'PAID') order by Account_name__c, Name]) { searched_invoices.add(new InvoiceWrapper(i)); } viewTable = true; } public PageReference Next() { selectedInvoices = new List<gii__OrderInvoice__c>(); selectedInvoices.clear(); for (InvoiceWrapper wrapInvoiceObj : searched_invoices) { if(wrapInvoiceObj.selected == true) { selectedInvoices.add(wrapInvoiceObj.inv); } } paymentDate = System.Today(); PageReference applyPaymentsVF_2 = new PageReference('/apex/applyPaymentsVF_2'); return applyPaymentsVF_2; } public void applyPayment() { for(gii__OrderInvoice__c inv : selectedInvoices) { gii__ARInvoicePayment__c payment = new gii__ARInvoicePayment__c(); payment.gii__Invoice__c =; payment.gii__Reference__c = reference; payment.gii__Comments__c = comments; payment.gii__PaymentMethod__c = paymentMethod; payment.gii__PaymentDate__c = paymentDate; payment.gii__PaidAmount__c = inv.gii__BalanceAmount__c; insert payment; } } //This is wrapper/container class public class InvoiceWrapper { public String accName {get;set;} public String invName {get;set;} public decimal total {get;set;} public decimal balance {get;set;} public String status {get;set;} public gii__OrderInvoice__c inv {get;set;} public Boolean selected {get;set;} public InvoiceWrapper(gii__OrderInvoice__c i) { inv = i; selected = false; accName = i.Account_Name__c; invName = i.Name; total = i.Total_Invoice__c; balance = i.gii__BalanceAmount__c; status = i.Past_Due__c; } } }
@isTest public class applyPayments_ControllerTest { public static testMethod void testMyController() { gii__SalesOrder__c so = new gii__SalesOrder__c(); Id RecordTypeIdSO = Schema.SObjectType.gii__SalesOrder__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Service Call Order').getRecordTypeId(); so.RecordTypeId = RecordTypeIdSO; so.gii__OrderType__c = 'Standard'; insert so; gii__OrderInvoice__c inv = new gii__OrderInvoice__c(); inv.gii__SalesOrder__c = so.Id; insert inv; applyPayments_Controller controller = new applyPayments_Controller(); applyPayments_Controller.InvoiceWrapper wrp = new applyPayments_Controller.InvoiceWrapper(inv); controller.searchInvoices(); controller.getViewTable(); controller.Next(); controller.applyPayment(); } }
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Thank you for your response! With the changes I was able to get inside the first for loop, but not the other two.