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Chris Eastwood 7Chris Eastwood 7 

Customize Account Url


We have an external system that needs to link to accounts in Salesforce. We don't have the account ids in the external system so we can't directly link them. We do have an external id though (customer_number). Is there anyway to use that external id to route to the account is Salesforce? 



Best Answer chosen by Chris Eastwood 7
Piyush Gautam 6Piyush Gautam 6
Hi Chris,

Salesforce will only be able to open the standard record page if you are passing the record Id parameter in the URL.

As much I have understood from the brief that you have given, I can suggest you one option:
  • Create a custom lightning component that can accept a parameter(Customer Numer) from a visualforce page and based on that displays the desired record detail page.
  • Create a custom visualforce page that accepts a parameter in URL (Customer Numer). Embed the custom lightning component inside the page. Fetch the URL parameter and pass it into a custom lightning component.
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