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inbox outbox 7inbox outbox 7 

I would appreciate commununity's advice in regards to callouts in batch apex

Hi all, 
Happy New Year!

Could you guys tell me the scenarios as to when we use callouts in batch apex?
I would like to point out that I am looking for input on the scenarios that you guys faced or know/read about. 
I am inclined more towards when than the how part of this. 

AbhinavAbhinav (Salesforce Developers) 
Check below post 'Question statement ' which I think will probably answer your when part:

inbox outbox 7inbox outbox 7
@Abhinav thank you for the response. I appreciate it. 

I am not going to choose this as the best answer only because I am hoping to get more input as in more scenarios. 
Once again @Abhinav I thank you.