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SF DakshendraSF Dakshendra 

i have total amount in between november to may...i need to display the value of amount in each month that is in between each month from november to to display that in apex class or visualforce pages

Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher

You need to provide some more details for us to help - what object(s) is this on?  Do you have line items that represent each month?  Are you looking just to divide your total amount equally across the Nov to May months?  Is this a rolling report or a one-time need?
SF DakshendraSF Dakshendra
Hi i need one time and looking for divide total amount equally across from nov to may 
Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher
If this is just a one-time event, you may be better off doing the math OUTSIDE of Salesforce (Excel?) and just data-loading the results in.  No need to custom develop throw-away code.
SF DakshendraSF Dakshendra
Hi andy, i need to display that in visual page