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Sachin Sharma 3886
Test class. urgent help required
He Champs,
I am working on some test class and help required. Below is my Apex class and Test class code.
public with sharing class NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller {
public invoice__c objInvoice{get; set;}
public Asset objAsset{get; set;}
public string vehicleId{get;set;}
public list<invoice__c> lstWrapperCommission{get; set;}
public list<invoice__c> lstWrapperSuplimentry{get; set;}
public list<invoice__c> lstWrapperVehicleInvoice {get; set;}
public general_parameters__c generalParameter{get; set;}
public id recordtypeIdsupli;
public id recordtypeIdvehicle;
public id recordtypeIdcommission;
public decimal TotalNet {get; set;}
public decimal TotalVatFFO {get; set;}
public decimal SubToatl {get; set;}
public decimal TotalNetDFO {get; set;}
public decimal TotalVatDFO {get; set;}
public decimal SubToatlDFO {get; set;}
public list<wrapperStatus> lstWrapStatus{get; set;}
public boolean vehicleStatus{get;set;} // this value is used for check the document storage present in vehicle invoice header or not
public boolean commisionStatus{get;set;} // this value is used for check the document storage present in Commission or not
public string isexist {get; set;}
public boolean isSuppexist {get ;set;}
public string strSelectedSuppInvoice {get; set;}
private static final string URLOVERVIEW = '/apex/NeMo_invoiceOverview?VehicleId=';
private static final string URLSUPPLEMENTRY = '/apex/NeMO_SupplementaryInvoice?VehicleId=';
//To Mantain Stage
private static final String STRSTAGEINV ='Invoice Breakdown';
private Set<String> setStage;
NEMO_Invoice_Util utility=new NEMO_Invoice_Util();
* @Name : NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller *
* @Params : void *
* @Return : void *
* @Description : Constructor *
public NeMo_InvoiceOverviewcontroller(){
vehicleId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('VehicleId');
isexist = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get(label.NEMO_ISEXISTPARAM);
generalParameter = general_parameters__c.getInstance();
recordtypeIdsupli = NeMo_GlobalUtill.GetRecordTypeId('invoice__c','Supplementar Invoice Header');
recordtypeIdvehicle = NeMo_GlobalUtill.GetRecordTypeId('invoice__c','Vehicle Invoice Header');
recordtypeIdcommission = NeMo_GlobalUtill.GetRecordTypeId('invoice__c','Commission Invoice Header');
* @Name : NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller *
* @Params : void *
* @Return : void *
* @Description : This Method is used to load the data on page *
private void onLoadData(){
lstWrapperCommission = new list<invoice__c>();
lstWrapperSuplimentry = new list<invoice__c>();
lstWrapperVehicleInvoice = new list<invoice__c>();
isSuppexist = false;
TotalNet = 0;
TotalVatFFO = 0;
SubToatl = 0;
TotalNetDFO = 0;
TotalVatDFO = 0;
SubToatlDFO = 0;
if(vehicleId != null && vehicleId != '')
for(invoice__c InvFor:[select id, name,status__c ,line_item_type__c,supplier__r.Name,Subtotal__c,total_net__c,
(select id,Name,total_net__c,subtotal__c,total_vat__c,line_item_type__c from Invoice_Line_Items__r)
from invoice__c where asset__c=:vehicleId])
if( == 'Vehicle Invoice Header')
if(InvFor.Invoice_Line_Items__r.size() > 0)
for(invoice_line_item__c objInvoiceLine : InvFor.Invoice_Line_Items__r)
if(objInvoiceLine.line_item_type__c == 'Factory Fitted Option (FFO)'){
if(objInvoiceLine.total_net__c != null){
TotalNet += objInvoiceLine.total_net__c;
if(objInvoiceLine.total_vat__c != null){
TotalVatFFO += objInvoiceLine.total_vat__c ;
if(objInvoiceLine.subtotal__c != null){
SubToatl += objInvoiceLine.subtotal__c;
if(objInvoiceLine.line_item_type__c == 'Dealer Fitted Option (DFO)')
if( objInvoiceLine.total_net__c != null){
TotalNetDFO += objInvoiceLine.total_net__c;
if(objInvoiceLine.total_vat__c != null){
TotalVatDFO += objInvoiceLine.total_vat__c ;
if(objInvoiceLine.subtotal__c != null){
SubToatlDFO += objInvoiceLine.subtotal__c;
if( == 'Supplementar Invoice Header')
if( == 'Commission Invoice Header')
if(isexist == NeMO_GlobalConstant.PARAMONE || isexist == NeMO_GlobalConstant.PARAMZERO){
isSuppexist = true;
* This Method is used to ........... .
* @name :
public pagereference InvoicingOverview(){
PageReference pg = new PageReference(URLOVERVIEW +vehicleId+'&ovId=0');
return pg;
public pagereference redirectToSupplier(){
PageReference pg = new PageReference(URLSUPPLEMENTRY+vehicleId+'&SuppId='+strSelectedSuppInvoice+'&isexist='+isexist);
return pg;
public void Close(){
// Call this method to update stage in Invoice to identify new or existing credit proposal
if(!String.isBLANK(vehicleId) && vehicleId !=NeMO_GlobalConstant.PARAMNULL){
utility.UpdateInvoiceStage(vehicleId ,STRSTAGEINV);
* This Method is used to load the data on page .
* @name : document
* @Name : NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller *
* @Params : void *
* @Return : void *
* @Description : This Method is used to change the status the sent os not sent *
private void StatusDocumentForVehComm(){
list<invoice__c> lstfor_veh_comm =new list<invoice__c>();
if(vehicleId != null && vehicleId != ''){
lstfor_veh_comm =[SELECT id,name,Recordtypeid,,(SELECT id,invoice__c,GDMS_Document_Id__c FROM Document_Storage__r)
FROM invoice__c WHERE asset__c=:vehicleId AND IN('Vehicle Invoice Header','Commission Invoice Header')];
For(invoice__c invo:lstfor_veh_comm){
For(GDMS_Document__c docu: invo.Document_Storage__r){
if( == 'Vehicle Invoice Header' && docu.invoice__c =={
if(docu.GDMS_Document_Id__c != null && docu.GDMS_Document_Id__c != ''){
if( == 'Commission Invoice Header' && docu.invoice__c =={
if(docu.GDMS_Document_Id__c !=null && docu.GDMS_Document_Id__c != ''){
* @Name : NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller *
* @Params : void *
* @Return : void *
* @Description : This Method is used to change the status the sent os not sent *
private void StatusDocument(){
list<invoice__c> lstofInvoice = new list<invoice__c>();
lstWrapStatus = new list<wrapperStatus>();
if(vehicleId != null && vehicleId != ''){
lstofInvoice =[SELECT id,name,total_net_amount__c,supplier__r.Name,Recordtypeid,,(SELECT id,invoice__c,GDMS_Document_Id__c FROM Document_Storage__r)
FROM invoice__c WHERE asset__c=:vehicleId AND = 'Supplementar Invoice Header'];
for(invoice__c invoie : lstofInvoice ){
for(GDMS_Document__c docu: invoie.Document_Storage__r){
wrapperStatus objWrapStatus = new wrapperStatus();
if(docu.invoice__c =={
if(docu.GDMS_Document_Id__c !=null && docu.GDMS_Document_Id__c != '')
objWrapStatus.objInvoice = invoie;
* @Name : NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller *
* @Params : void *
* @Return : void *
* @Description : This wrapper class is used to display Status of Invoice Line Item *
public class wrapperStatus{
public invoice__c objInvoice {get; set;}
public boolean supplementarStatus{get;set;}
public wrapperStatus(){
Test class code
private class NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller_Test{
static testMethod void MyTest(){
Account acc= NeMO_TestUtil.createTestAccountsSupplier(true);
insert acc;
Contact c = NeMO_TestUtil.createTestContactswithAcc( true,;
insert c;
Asset ast= NeMO_TestUtil.createTestAsset_ConAccFirst(true,, );
insert ast;
system.debug('***' + ast);
Invoice__c Inv = NeMO_TestUtil.createTestInvoiceAsset(true,,'Supplementar Invoice Header');
insert inv;
NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller obj = new NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller();
//system.debug('*Sachin*'+ obj.vehicleId);;
Test class is not mathcing the vehicleId condition in onLoadData(), its showing as null, however i am passing the same from the test class.
Please help.
I am working on some test class and help required. Below is my Apex class and Test class code.
public with sharing class NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller {
public invoice__c objInvoice{get; set;}
public Asset objAsset{get; set;}
public string vehicleId{get;set;}
public list<invoice__c> lstWrapperCommission{get; set;}
public list<invoice__c> lstWrapperSuplimentry{get; set;}
public list<invoice__c> lstWrapperVehicleInvoice {get; set;}
public general_parameters__c generalParameter{get; set;}
public id recordtypeIdsupli;
public id recordtypeIdvehicle;
public id recordtypeIdcommission;
public decimal TotalNet {get; set;}
public decimal TotalVatFFO {get; set;}
public decimal SubToatl {get; set;}
public decimal TotalNetDFO {get; set;}
public decimal TotalVatDFO {get; set;}
public decimal SubToatlDFO {get; set;}
public list<wrapperStatus> lstWrapStatus{get; set;}
public boolean vehicleStatus{get;set;} // this value is used for check the document storage present in vehicle invoice header or not
public boolean commisionStatus{get;set;} // this value is used for check the document storage present in Commission or not
public string isexist {get; set;}
public boolean isSuppexist {get ;set;}
public string strSelectedSuppInvoice {get; set;}
private static final string URLOVERVIEW = '/apex/NeMo_invoiceOverview?VehicleId=';
private static final string URLSUPPLEMENTRY = '/apex/NeMO_SupplementaryInvoice?VehicleId=';
//To Mantain Stage
private static final String STRSTAGEINV ='Invoice Breakdown';
private Set<String> setStage;
NEMO_Invoice_Util utility=new NEMO_Invoice_Util();
* @Name : NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller *
* @Params : void *
* @Return : void *
* @Description : Constructor *
public NeMo_InvoiceOverviewcontroller(){
vehicleId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('VehicleId');
isexist = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get(label.NEMO_ISEXISTPARAM);
generalParameter = general_parameters__c.getInstance();
recordtypeIdsupli = NeMo_GlobalUtill.GetRecordTypeId('invoice__c','Supplementar Invoice Header');
recordtypeIdvehicle = NeMo_GlobalUtill.GetRecordTypeId('invoice__c','Vehicle Invoice Header');
recordtypeIdcommission = NeMo_GlobalUtill.GetRecordTypeId('invoice__c','Commission Invoice Header');
* @Name : NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller *
* @Params : void *
* @Return : void *
* @Description : This Method is used to load the data on page *
private void onLoadData(){
lstWrapperCommission = new list<invoice__c>();
lstWrapperSuplimentry = new list<invoice__c>();
lstWrapperVehicleInvoice = new list<invoice__c>();
isSuppexist = false;
TotalNet = 0;
TotalVatFFO = 0;
SubToatl = 0;
TotalNetDFO = 0;
TotalVatDFO = 0;
SubToatlDFO = 0;
if(vehicleId != null && vehicleId != '')
for(invoice__c InvFor:[select id, name,status__c ,line_item_type__c,supplier__r.Name,Subtotal__c,total_net__c,
(select id,Name,total_net__c,subtotal__c,total_vat__c,line_item_type__c from Invoice_Line_Items__r)
from invoice__c where asset__c=:vehicleId])
if( == 'Vehicle Invoice Header')
if(InvFor.Invoice_Line_Items__r.size() > 0)
for(invoice_line_item__c objInvoiceLine : InvFor.Invoice_Line_Items__r)
if(objInvoiceLine.line_item_type__c == 'Factory Fitted Option (FFO)'){
if(objInvoiceLine.total_net__c != null){
TotalNet += objInvoiceLine.total_net__c;
if(objInvoiceLine.total_vat__c != null){
TotalVatFFO += objInvoiceLine.total_vat__c ;
if(objInvoiceLine.subtotal__c != null){
SubToatl += objInvoiceLine.subtotal__c;
if(objInvoiceLine.line_item_type__c == 'Dealer Fitted Option (DFO)')
if( objInvoiceLine.total_net__c != null){
TotalNetDFO += objInvoiceLine.total_net__c;
if(objInvoiceLine.total_vat__c != null){
TotalVatDFO += objInvoiceLine.total_vat__c ;
if(objInvoiceLine.subtotal__c != null){
SubToatlDFO += objInvoiceLine.subtotal__c;
if( == 'Supplementar Invoice Header')
if( == 'Commission Invoice Header')
if(isexist == NeMO_GlobalConstant.PARAMONE || isexist == NeMO_GlobalConstant.PARAMZERO){
isSuppexist = true;
* This Method is used to ........... .
* @name :
public pagereference InvoicingOverview(){
PageReference pg = new PageReference(URLOVERVIEW +vehicleId+'&ovId=0');
return pg;
public pagereference redirectToSupplier(){
PageReference pg = new PageReference(URLSUPPLEMENTRY+vehicleId+'&SuppId='+strSelectedSuppInvoice+'&isexist='+isexist);
return pg;
public void Close(){
// Call this method to update stage in Invoice to identify new or existing credit proposal
if(!String.isBLANK(vehicleId) && vehicleId !=NeMO_GlobalConstant.PARAMNULL){
utility.UpdateInvoiceStage(vehicleId ,STRSTAGEINV);
* This Method is used to load the data on page .
* @name : document
* @Name : NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller *
* @Params : void *
* @Return : void *
* @Description : This Method is used to change the status the sent os not sent *
private void StatusDocumentForVehComm(){
list<invoice__c> lstfor_veh_comm =new list<invoice__c>();
if(vehicleId != null && vehicleId != ''){
lstfor_veh_comm =[SELECT id,name,Recordtypeid,,(SELECT id,invoice__c,GDMS_Document_Id__c FROM Document_Storage__r)
FROM invoice__c WHERE asset__c=:vehicleId AND IN('Vehicle Invoice Header','Commission Invoice Header')];
For(invoice__c invo:lstfor_veh_comm){
For(GDMS_Document__c docu: invo.Document_Storage__r){
if( == 'Vehicle Invoice Header' && docu.invoice__c =={
if(docu.GDMS_Document_Id__c != null && docu.GDMS_Document_Id__c != ''){
if( == 'Commission Invoice Header' && docu.invoice__c =={
if(docu.GDMS_Document_Id__c !=null && docu.GDMS_Document_Id__c != ''){
* @Name : NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller *
* @Params : void *
* @Return : void *
* @Description : This Method is used to change the status the sent os not sent *
private void StatusDocument(){
list<invoice__c> lstofInvoice = new list<invoice__c>();
lstWrapStatus = new list<wrapperStatus>();
if(vehicleId != null && vehicleId != ''){
lstofInvoice =[SELECT id,name,total_net_amount__c,supplier__r.Name,Recordtypeid,,(SELECT id,invoice__c,GDMS_Document_Id__c FROM Document_Storage__r)
FROM invoice__c WHERE asset__c=:vehicleId AND = 'Supplementar Invoice Header'];
for(invoice__c invoie : lstofInvoice ){
for(GDMS_Document__c docu: invoie.Document_Storage__r){
wrapperStatus objWrapStatus = new wrapperStatus();
if(docu.invoice__c =={
if(docu.GDMS_Document_Id__c !=null && docu.GDMS_Document_Id__c != '')
objWrapStatus.objInvoice = invoie;
* @Name : NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller *
* @Params : void *
* @Return : void *
* @Description : This wrapper class is used to display Status of Invoice Line Item *
public class wrapperStatus{
public invoice__c objInvoice {get; set;}
public boolean supplementarStatus{get;set;}
public wrapperStatus(){
Test class code
private class NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller_Test{
static testMethod void MyTest(){
Account acc= NeMO_TestUtil.createTestAccountsSupplier(true);
insert acc;
Contact c = NeMO_TestUtil.createTestContactswithAcc( true,;
insert c;
Asset ast= NeMO_TestUtil.createTestAsset_ConAccFirst(true,, );
insert ast;
system.debug('***' + ast);
Invoice__c Inv = NeMO_TestUtil.createTestInvoiceAsset(true,,'Supplementar Invoice Header');
insert inv;
NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller obj = new NeMO_InvoiceOverviewcontroller();
//system.debug('*Sachin*'+ obj.vehicleId);;
Test class is not mathcing the vehicleId condition in onLoadData(), its showing as null, however i am passing the same from the test class.
Please help.
Make sure you also add assertions afterward.