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Raneeth KumarRaneeth Kumar 

Data import error trail head challenge using import wizard
In trail head challenge, after csv file imported and mapped accordingly as per the challenge condition, I'm getting the below error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
All the contact records from the CSV file were not found in the Org.

Anuj PatelAnuj Patel
Hi Raneeth,

Please check following things.
--> You mapped the right fields with the once mentioned in the challange.
--> Check the success file of the data you uploaded. 

If you have more question, share the link of the challange as well. 

Please  make sure you hit the like button if the answer is helpful.


Raneeth KumarRaneeth Kumar
Thanks Anuj, Actually there is no problem with my csv file, the same I have retried it worked well.
Marianne Racine-LabergeMarianne Racine-Laberge
Hi Raneeth,

I encountered the same issue. I figured out that you have to click on ''Add new records'' instead of ''Update existing records'' (when using a fresh new DE). 

Hope this helps.

Rakesh kumar 272Rakesh kumar 272
Thanks Marianne.Really worked