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Udaya BhaskarUdaya Bhaskar 

Help needed in Advanced Reporting

Hi All,
We have a requirement where i need to generate a report showing the details of all the opportunities,activities,contacts,contracts linked to an account in one page. in sfdc, i noticed that at one time, i can generate report on two objects. request you to please provide us on some pointers on this. This is one of the critical client req..
is there a way to design our own reports in sfdc..
Thanks in advance.
You may wish to try a Custom Report Type (under the Create menu of Setup) to create multiple levels of depth in the report.
Udaya BhaskarUdaya Bhaskar
      Hi Jyoti,

Thanks for the reply. I am new to SFDC. Can you pls give us some examples or worked out scenarios if possible.

The other post had the answer. You need to investigate the Custom Report area in the Setup area. From there you can create a Custom Report that pulls from the different Tabs / Objects that you have in Salesforce. I would start with a model like this  . . .
Contacts (A)
with at least one related record from Opportunities (B)
with at least one related record from Contact Roles (C)
with or without related records from Activities (D)
You can make Accounts your Primary Object in your case . . .
Accounts (A)
with at least one related record from Opportunities (B)
with or without related records from Activities (C)
Try that and see how it goes. Remember you might have to edit the fields that are available or add other fields via lookup to get all the filed choices that you need.
Take care