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Passing Landing Page and Login through URL


I need to log users into Salesforce and immediately return the following URL as the first page:

How can I construct a URL that passes both the username, password and immediately logs the agent into the above URL without any additional clicks?
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Try using %26 instead of the & symbol when you want to pass additional fields. Right now it is ending the starturl with the & since it thinks that's a different field.

All Answers

Try this:

Typically you'd go to but that url you have directs to the desktop login page so I'd try that first.
The %40 in the un= is the @ symbol formatted for URL. The startURL has also been formatted so it can be passed as a variable.



Thanks a million Paul! worked like a charm...

Any chance you would know how to pass other variables through such as cas3 and other CASE fields?

  1. This doesnt seem to be working:

Try using %26 instead of the & symbol when you want to pass additional fields. Right now it is ending the starturl with the & since it thinks that's a different field.
This was selected as the best answer
Thanks! You are a lifesaver!
This is not working for me, it just takes me to a blank page.
Most other salesforce users will have to construct a much different URL.{wherever you want to start}
In the start url, make sure to replace any forward slashes with %2F and any other special characters with their hex equivalents.
You can use this chart for converting characters just put a % sign in front of the hex value you see in the chart.