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Customer Portal - tasks and events

Are tasks and events (including calendar) available in Customer Portal?


I was building a simple customer portal and noticed that neither Tasks nor Events were available. Even the Activity related lists are not displayed in portal for page layouts. Is there anyway to enable that functionality? It doesn't look like it - especially since the customer portal profiles don't have those object CRUD permissions Or am I just missing a setting in my configuraiton? 

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
The fact that you can see and share calendards with Customer Portal users is likely just an oversight, because you're right, Customer Portal users won't be able to see it.

All Answers


No, you are correct, those objects are not supported in customer portal.





That is not true.  You can indeed put tasks and events in the portal.


Individual activities have a setting called "Visible In Self Service Portal."  You have to be sure to turn on FLS for this field, even for system admins; it's off by default for some reason.  If you turn it on, you'll now see a Make Public link next to activities when you're logged in as a regular user.  Make one activity Public, and voila: the Activity History related list will show up in a portal page.


Read-only related lists like this one only display themselves in the Customer Portal when there's at least one item to show in them.


Customer Portal users cannot add or edit Tasks or Events, and the calendar is not available in the Customer Portal.

As far as calendar though. I see when you change your calendar, it gives you a drop down of options to change it to. "Customer Portal Calendars" is one of these options with all portal users listed.  I understood that Portal users couldn't see calendars, but then why is this option available and why can I "share" my calendar with them (though they can't see it).
The fact that you can see and share calendards with Customer Portal users is likely just an oversight, because you're right, Customer Portal users won't be able to see it.
This was selected as the best answer

As sysadmin, I have turned on Field Level Security for Visible-In-Self-Service field, made sure I didn't check the "read-only" attribute and  added it to task layout. But when I create a new task, it doesn't show up as an editable field on page-layout. In the detail page of the task, I see the field unchecked, but I can't edit it.


I don't see any link on the activities to make it public. 


I am creating a task for a custom object.







Message Edited by GoForceGo on 06-02-2009 09:15 AM
The "Make Public" link on activities will appear on the Activities related list.