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Forcing Multiline in a Text Area (long)using formula


Does anyone had this requirement. If yes, please help me. And btw, I am kind of new to SFDC.

I need to show a custom field on the account page layout which should default the value to following.

"Sale Number # "
& "Amount $ "
& "One-Times $ "
& "Terms of Sale "
& "Cashier's check?___ "
& "Credit Card?___ "

That sounds simple right ? But I need them in multiline.. like below

Sale Number #
Amount $
One-Times $
Terms of Sale
Cashier's check?___
Credit Card?___

I tried "\n" but didnt help.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
First of all, to avoid your question :smileyvery-happy: What is the advantage of combining all 6 of those values into one field as opposed to creating 6 different fields? With the fields separated, you will enforce stricter data integrity and also open up more reporting possibilites.

Secondly, if you really do want all of those "field labels" inside one single field with line breaks, you can use BR():

'Sale Number # ' & BR() & 'Amount $ ' & BR() & 'One-Times $ ' & BR() & 'Terms of Sale ' & etc.

All Answers

First of all, to avoid your question :smileyvery-happy: What is the advantage of combining all 6 of those values into one field as opposed to creating 6 different fields? With the fields separated, you will enforce stricter data integrity and also open up more reporting possibilites.

Secondly, if you really do want all of those "field labels" inside one single field with line breaks, you can use BR():

'Sale Number # ' & BR() & 'Amount $ ' & BR() & 'One-Times $ ' & BR() & 'Terms of Sale ' & etc.
This was selected as the best answer
Thank you. It did work.

And btw, thanks for the suggestion. Those were just the field values that are temporary (will be wiped out when the other department approves them) and will not have any impact on the business or report.
