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flex relationship query problem
perhaps i'm doing this incorrectly, but I'm trying to grab the User name using the following code:
I keep getting "TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties." on the "who" line of the addItem method. I know it's there because I've debugged it in Flex and I've tested the SOQL query in apex explorer 8.0.
Any ideas?
for (var i:int=0;i<qr.records[j].Responsible_Party__r.records.length;i++)
partyArray.addItem( { id:qr.records[j].Checklist_Comment__r.records[i].Id, who:qr.records[j].Checklist_Comment__r.records[i].User__r.Name, item:qr.records[j].Checklist_Comment__r.records[i].Checklist_Line_Item__c
} ); }
I keep getting "TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties." on the "who" line of the addItem method. I know it's there because I've debugged it in Flex and I've tested the SOQL query in apex explorer 8.0.
Any ideas?
I'd have to see the full SOQL to be any more help.
I guess the fact that it wasn't breaking on the other lines was throwing me off.
Thanks again.