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Content API - Associate uploaded content to a Context Object

I'm having some difficulty finding the API capability that allows me to associate uploaded Content (inserted into ContentVersion) with any Custom Object without using the front end.  What object(s) store the relationship from any object to associated 'RelatedContent'?
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
BTW, you can't do this so you need to add a Custom Lookup field to Content in order to relate as part of the upload of Content.  It's a passably good workaround, I guess

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BTW, you can't do this so you need to add a Custom Lookup field to Content in order to relate as part of the upload of Content.  It's a passably good workaround, I guess
This was selected as the best answer

This is a fundamental limitation within Salesforce Content, and proves that the original Koral design has not been properly integrated with the rest of the Salesforce application. We have built our own .NET tool to upload a document into Content via Word, but again this only works if you create a custom relationship with the Content object; it doesn't work with the native "Related Content" functionality. Sort it out, Salesforce.


Here's a way to do it natively - without a .net app.  let me know what you think of the solution



Upload Content Programmatically


Shall we attach content version files to related content.


Please someone help me.