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LMA has quit working
Concurrent with the roll out of the new AppExchange look and feel, it seems that our LMA application has quit working, i.e. it is not reporting customer activity on our listings (demo views). Any idea what might be happening?
Just to be clear, the LMA app tracks installs in the form of leads/licenses when a user completes a Get It Now. This same org can be used to track web leads from Demo, Test Drive, etc. (which it sounds like you have done).
With the new AppExchange, the lead forms will no longer appear for any of the buttons on a listing. If someone clicks on Test Drive, Get it Now or Learn More, users will be asked to log in. Using these credentials, we will then pass on the lead for that action.
Hope that helps,
I viewed the latest AppExchange webinar and found out that the ability to capture a lead when someone clicks on the demo button is no longer supported. It was something that was brought up in the Q&A at the end. Not that it's the end of the world, just more work for us to come up with another way capture this information and update our Leads data in the LMA. It's too bad that we weren't given some forewarning so we could have been ready for the change. We're just getting started, so we depend on this functionality - I suspect others did too.
Thanks for your reply.