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An AJAX S-Control for importing opportunities

Here's a simple S-Control that allows for the importing of closed Opportunities. It requires manual User steps for importing the Opportunites as Leads via the Sforce Data Loader. Then, the S-Control converts those Leads to Opportunites and addresses some of the limitations in the Lead Conversion functionality in

In addition to the standard Lead Conversion functionality, this S-Control sets the Close Date and Amount for an Opportunity. It also allows you to set the OpportunityContactRole for the Contact.

I have built this for importing donations that a nonprofit has received via PayPal or some other service, but I wanted to share it as I didn't find many examples of AJAX lead conversion while I was working on it.

The code deals with:

The LeadConverts object and the ConvertLeadResult object. I also use the OpportunityContactRole dynabean, another code snip for which I couldn't find AJAX examples.

Any feedback is welcome as I'm no expert in Javascript or S-Control development.

I created a couple screen capture flash movies of this S-Control in action, and the steps for getting the S-Control and supporting process set up.

Though they might be of interest to folks, especially people just getting up and running with the AJAX toolkit.
