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How to create UUIDs in Salesforce



I have a requirement to generate UUIDs for associating IDs that are unique across 2 apps - one SF and another external app. There is a Java utility that allows creation of UUIDs. Is there a similar API that can be used for generating UUIDs in Apex?





Hi All,

I too have a requirement to generate UUID from within SF.

In java the class to generate uuid is called java.util.UUID.


Can we use the Crypto Class for this purpose?

Can i use the generateMac method of the Crypto Class to acheive this?




In Apex-Lang we have utility methods for generating uuid's.

The Class RandomStringUtils in Apex-Lang contains a method randomUUID().
Can we use this method to generate the uuid.

This method uses the Version 4 UUIDs scheme relying only on random numbers. 




There are a few webservices that are available that provide UUIDs. We've used one of these by making a webservice call from Salesforce.