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Data Dash Inc.
Help with Apex dataloader
Hey there, I am hoping that this is put into the right section. I was wondering if anyone knows of a tutorial PPT file or the like on Dataloader and donations? Another question I have is how do you get the account id for each donation, should this be a last name or address or does it have to be defined by dataloader.
And you can download it from the application directly. So Login, go to Setup -> Administration Setup-> Data Management->Data Loader.
Message Edited by Data Dash Inc. on 01-14-2009 03:27 PM
External Id field is primarily used when "upserting" data into Have you defined a custom 'text' field and specified it as "external id" (checkbox that needs to be set when creating the custom field)?
Message Edited by Data Dash Inc. on 01-15-2009 03:59 PM
First, the configuration. Make sure you have defined a custom field on the object you want to upsert again (ie Account, Contact, Lead, or custom object, ect). When defining the custom field, create a "text" field, specifiy the field name and field label, and make sure to check the "External Id" property. That is important. By doing that, you enable the upsert call against that field to be valid. Finish creating the custom field. When done, lets move back to the CSV file.
In the CSV file, the first row should be the headings or field names of your choosing. The second and following rows should be the data that you want to upsert.
Then launch Data Loader, login to the org you want to upsert into, select the Object you want to upsert into, and find the CSV file you want to use as the data to be loaded. Now, the Data Loader wizard will ask you which field you want to use as the external Id in a simple drop down. Pick the field you want to use as the external id. Finish mapping the CSV headings to fields and finish the wizard. At this point, Data Loader will upsert the data and output 2 fields (success.csv and errors.csv).
I hope that helps you get going.
CloseDate is a Date field. So YYYY-MM-DD format.
StageName is a picklist. To see the full list of values, you can either go through the UI (Setup->Customize->Opportunity->Fields->Stage). Also, tools such as Apex Explorer ( or the IDE Schema Explorer ( show you your entire sfdc schema (all objects, all fields, the properties on the fields, ect). I highly recommend those tools to help you out.
Message Edited by Data Dash Inc. on 01-20-2009 03:13 PM
OK, that never happens for me. I am never asked what field to use as the external ID. Can someone helpwith that?
I added some detail on this topic to the Dataloader Wiki docs:
Additional Detail on Using External Ids
Also, not that you can only reference External IDs when doing an Upsert (not Inserts). It doesn't matter what the fields or headers are called.