CreatedBy field is a reference field, if you are talking about createddate then simply inpufield will help you to display the date. But if you want to edit the date field then sorry createddate is a read only field, but if you want to edit that field then you need to log a case in salesforce.
When salesforce notify you that your organization is on audit trail then I think you can change the createddate field, else there is no way out.
CreatedBy is showing creator of the record and the date when it is created. If you want to get the date from this field you need to do something like this :
Account acc = [select id,createddate from account Limit 1] ;
System.debug('Created Date :::: ' + acc.createddate) ;
Are you trying to pull the CreatedDate for each field?
CreatedBy field is a reference field, if you are talking about createddate then simply inpufield will help you to display the date. But if you want to edit the date field then sorry createddate is a read only field, but if you want to edit that field then you need to log a case in salesforce.
When salesforce notify you that your organization is on audit trail then I think you can change the createddate field, else there is no way out.
Ankit Arora
Blog | Facebook | Blog Page
thanks . i want to display only created by( date )in visualforce page. created by contains(username and date). i want date only
CreatedBy is showing creator of the record and the date when it is created. If you want to get the date from this field you need to do something like this :
Hope this will resolve your problem.
Ankit Arora
Blog | Facebook | Blog Page