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Test Deployment Result [invalid field name:bucketfield_97340085]



just like to ask if am i missing some items when doing the changeset deployment?

im having an error in deploying a report having a bucketfield


thanks in advance,


Hi, I have found the same problem while deploying reports with bucket fields to an org.Did you get ay solution. If yes then that would be great if you could share the same.

MJ12 or Abhi.


Did either of you find a way to deploy reports that have bucket fields?


I am seeing the same issue as well.


Any help would be appreciated.








Hi John,


I had reported the issue to salesforce support, and they were able to reproduce the same.But they had no solution for it, and said that they would work on the issue.


As for now it is not possible to deploy the bucket fields to another org.


But if you package the reports containing the bucket fields, then the bucket fields would be available on the org where the package would be installed. But the problem with this is, the bucket fields need to be again placed on the reports.





I am facing same problem.

Any update from salesforce as of yet?

I am facing problem for fields on Account and Opportunity.




Any updates on the "migrating reports with bucket fields" issue? Thanks