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Test case for the following trigger.


How do i write a test case for the following trigger to cover 100% code coverage?

The one i have covers only 10%, am not sure which part of the code is not covered.



trigger AddInterview on Candidate_Requirement__c (after insert, after update) {
     for (Candidate_Requirement__c newInterview: Trigger.New) {
         if (newInterview.Status__c == 'Interview Stage' && newInterview.Candidates__c !=null && newInterview.Requirement__c != null) {
             String candR = newInterview.Id;
             List<Interview__c> intv = [select id,Candidates_submitted__c from Interview__c where Candidates_submitted__c = :candR ];
             if(intv.size() == 0){
                 String reqId = newInterview.Requirement__c;
                 List <Requirement__c> reqList = [select id, Contact__c from Requirement__c where id = :reqId ];
                 String candId =newInterview.Candidates__c;
                 List <Candidates__c> candList = [select id, Name from Candidates__c where id = :candId ];
                 String contId = reqList[0].Contact__c;
                 List <Contact> contList = [select id, MAILINGSTREET,MAILINGCITY,MAILINGSTATE,MAILINGPOSTALCODE,MAILINGCOUNTRY from Contact where id = :contId ];
                 String mAddress= '';
                     mAddress = contList[0].MAILINGSTREET +' '+ contList[0].MAILINGCITY+', '+ contList[0].MAILINGSTATE+' '+contList[0].MAILINGPOSTALCODE+' '+contList[0].MAILINGCOUNTRY;
                 if (!reqList.isEmpty() && !candList.isEmpty()){
                 Requirement__c req = reqList[0];
                 Candidates__c cand = candList[0];
                 Contact cont = contList[0];


                 Interview__c interviews = new Interview__c(
                             Name = cand.Name, 
                             Candidates_submitted__c = newInterview.Id,
                             Client_Names__c = cont.Id,
                             Address_of_Interview__c = mAddress,
                             Candidate_Names__c = cand.Id,
                             Requirement_Names__c = req.Id);
                 insert interviews;


Test case:


private class UpdateInterviewTest {
    static testMethod void testUpdateInterview() {
         //Insert contact record
         Contact con = new Contact(
                Lastname = 'test contact',
                MAILINGSTREET = 'street',
                MAILINGCITY = 'city',
                MAILINGSTATE = 'state',
                MAILINGPOSTALCODE = 'code',
                MAILINGCOUNTRY = 'country');
             insert con;
             con = [Select Id,Lastname, MAILINGSTREET,MAILINGCITY,MAILINGSTATE,MAILINGPOSTALCODE,MAILINGCOUNTRY from Contact where id = :con.Id];
            //Insert Requiremnt Record
            Requirement__c req = new  Requirement__c(
                Contact__c = con.Id,
                Name = 'test req');
            insert req;
            req = [Select Id, Name,Contact__c from Requirement__c where Id = :req.Id];
            //Insert Candidates record
            Candidates__c cand = new Candidates__c (
                Name = 'test name',
                Candidate_Source__c = 'test picklist');
            insert cand;
            cand = [Select Id, Name,Candidate_Source__c from Candidates__c where Id = :cand.Id]; 
           //Insert Candidate submitted to requiremnt record whose status is not Interview Stage
           Candidate_Requirement__c cr = new Candidate_Requirement__c(
                Status__c = 'Offer Made',
                Candidates__c = cand.Id,
                Requirement__c = req.Id);
            insert cr;
            cr = [Select Id,Status__c,Candidates__c,Requirement__c from Candidate_Requirement__c where Id = :cr.Id];
          Interview__c[] intv = [select Id ,Candidates_submitted__c from Interview__c where  Candidates_submitted__c= :cr.Id];
          if(intv.size() > 0)
          System.assertEquals(intv[0].Candidates_submitted__c, cr.Id); 
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Please try with below code snippet



private class UpdateInterviewTest {
    static testMethod void testUpdateInterview() 
         //Insert contact record
         Contact con = new Contact(
		Lastname = 'test contact',
                MAILINGSTREET = 'street',
                MAILINGCITY = 'city',
                MAILINGSTATE = 'state',
                MAILINGPOSTALCODE = 'code',
                MAILINGCOUNTRY = 'country');
             insert con;
            //Insert Requiremnt Record
            Requirement__c req = new  Requirement__c
                Contact__c = con.Id,
                Name = 'test req');
            insert req;
            //Insert Candidates record
            Candidates__c cand = new Candidates__c (
                Name = 'test name',
                Candidate_Source__c = 'test picklist');
            insert cand;
           //Insert Candidate submitted to requiremnt record whose status is not Interview Stage
	   List<Candidate_Requirement__c> lstC=New List<Candidate_Requirement__c>();
	   //offer Made
           Candidate_Requirement__c cr = new Candidate_Requirement__c(
                Status__c = 'Offer Made',
                Candidates__c = cand.Id,
                Requirement__c = req.Id);
	//'Interview Stage' req	
           Candidate_Requirement__c cr2 = new Candidate_Requirement__c(
                Status__c = 'Interview Stage',
                Candidates__c = cand.Id,
                Requirement__c = req.Id);
		insert lstC;	            
          //Updating list
	  lstC[0].Status__c='Interview Stage';
	  lstC[0].Status__c='Offer Made';
	  update lstC;


you can check , which lines of code are not executing, if you testing using salesforce UI or eclipse


Hope this will help you,







All Answers


Please try with below code snippet



private class UpdateInterviewTest {
    static testMethod void testUpdateInterview() 
         //Insert contact record
         Contact con = new Contact(
		Lastname = 'test contact',
                MAILINGSTREET = 'street',
                MAILINGCITY = 'city',
                MAILINGSTATE = 'state',
                MAILINGPOSTALCODE = 'code',
                MAILINGCOUNTRY = 'country');
             insert con;
            //Insert Requiremnt Record
            Requirement__c req = new  Requirement__c
                Contact__c = con.Id,
                Name = 'test req');
            insert req;
            //Insert Candidates record
            Candidates__c cand = new Candidates__c (
                Name = 'test name',
                Candidate_Source__c = 'test picklist');
            insert cand;
           //Insert Candidate submitted to requiremnt record whose status is not Interview Stage
	   List<Candidate_Requirement__c> lstC=New List<Candidate_Requirement__c>();
	   //offer Made
           Candidate_Requirement__c cr = new Candidate_Requirement__c(
                Status__c = 'Offer Made',
                Candidates__c = cand.Id,
                Requirement__c = req.Id);
	//'Interview Stage' req	
           Candidate_Requirement__c cr2 = new Candidate_Requirement__c(
                Status__c = 'Interview Stage',
                Candidates__c = cand.Id,
                Requirement__c = req.Id);
		insert lstC;	            
          //Updating list
	  lstC[0].Status__c='Interview Stage';
	  lstC[0].Status__c='Offer Made';
	  update lstC;


you can check , which lines of code are not executing, if you testing using salesforce UI or eclipse


Hope this will help you,







This was selected as the best answer


Thanks alot, that did the trick!


Cool, it works for you ....

Happy clouding .....


