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Creating a Custom Activity (Tasks for new Customer Database) - Is It Possible?

Hi, I'm trying to make a customer database using Salesforce (I have Group edition), and I was wondering if it is possible to create a unique task function, or tie the task function to this new custom object.


We are unsure if we have to upgrade, or if it is not possible or whatnot.


Any advice on this is appreciated! Basically we want to replicate the task activity for a custom object!


can you give some clarification as to why you do not want to use the existing task object that comes with salesforce?


I was under the impression it is not possible to use the task activity with a custom object, like the customer database I have set up.


If I am incorrect, please indicate how I can do this.


Wow, I just tried and you are right!  I have not come across the need to do this yet so this is a new problem to me as well.  Perhaps someone else can make a suggestion?


One way to approach this limitation is creating a string field in your custom object that will hold IDs of task/activity objects.  You could create a verification trigger that enforces this mock relationship.  But this is only a quick thought, I haven't thought through the details.


I hope someone can be a better help than me!






Is what MrTyler is suggesting correct/the best practice?


Please let me know.

