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conditional color coding in lists
Is there a way to have different colors for different rows in lists, depending on field values on the object?
A list of cases with different priority. All rows with cases that have priority set to high have a red background.
I hope you are displaying this list on visualforce page. Then you can use (style="color:red") in outPutLabel. Also to render this color conditionally then you can use <apex:outPutLabel style="{!IF(Your_value == 'High' , 'color:red' , '' )}" value="Value"/>
If this is not clear then you can send in the code here. Hope we can modify your code accordingly.
Ankit Arora
Blog | Facebook | Blog Page
Unfortunatly I am not using a VirualForce page, (atleast not that I know). From what I know it is a/the standard list view for Cases.
Can I convert the page to a visualforce view?
I don't think you can get different color out there on native screen.
Ankit Arora
Blog | Facebook | Blog Page
That's a shame.
Is there any way to convert the native screen to VisualForce?
Or do we have to write it from scratch?