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Jim Boudreaux
Inlineeditsupport and Fieldsets
Am I doing something wrong or does the InLineEditSupport Tag not work with Field Sets?
function readOnly(count){ }
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Am I doing something wrong or does the InLineEditSupport Tag not work with Field Sets?
cb should be eb, the edit button id.
Besides, turned out there was a bug. This is no longer an issue.
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This does not work.
What is cb? I think you could try type cab instead.
cb should be eb, the edit button id.
Besides, turned out there was a bug. This is no longer an issue.
Ok great! But it should be sb,cab when you are editing.
D'oh! You're right. cab, the cancel button.
Btw, anyone else think it odd that you can show buttons when inline editing, but there is no provision for hiding buttons otherwise. Like the Save button for instance. It shouldn't be there until you are inline editing, but there is no way to hide it. Well, no way that is overridden by the Show attribute of the inlineedit component.