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2 Mail Merge Questions

1. Anyone know why some custom fields are available for mail merge and others are not. We have a number of our custom objects not appearing as an option to merge into a document.


2. Has anyone been successful in merging data from three seperate objects simultaneously, i.e. Account, Contact and Custom Object (that is a look up to the Account).  Trying to pull data into our contracts via mail merge. Need to pull some account and contact info as well as a listing of products (custom object).



Regarding #2, we were able to do a Mail Merge using Account, Contact and a custom object that was a child of Account through a master-detail relationship.  We found that the Mail Merge was only working completely if it was initiated from the Activity History section of the custom object.  If it was initiated from Account or Contact, the custom object info would not get populated.  So try initiating the Mail Merge from the custom object and see if that gives you better results.  The page where you select your Mail Merge template should also give you a place to select the Contact, and that should allow you to pull the three pieces together.