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Create new fields in Task

Hello everyone.

I have a querstion about the creation of fields in salesforce.

It's possible I create a custom field in object Task? If it's possible as I do?

Thx for replies.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 


Hi eduardofernandes,


Added to Inspita's comments. yes, you can add custom field to Task object.


You need to add those fields to Activity object. [Setup-->Customize-->Activity-->Activity Custom Object].


Hope this helps.


Thanks and Regards,

Devendra S

All Answers



Yes one can of course create custom fields for Task - In setup - 



Hi eduardofernandes,


Added to Inspita's comments. yes, you can add custom field to Task object.


You need to add those fields to Activity object. [Setup-->Customize-->Activity-->Activity Custom Object].


Hope this helps.


Thanks and Regards,

Devendra S

This was selected as the best answer






I am glad, the given solution has worked for you.



Devendra S


ya this is possible you can create a custom fields in task objects . you can creates a custom fields in activity custom fields that will be vivible on tasks.


Sourabh Tayal


Navatar Group

Admin User 9738Admin User 9738
Is there any limit on adding number of custom fields for task?
Peyman HeydariPeyman Heydari
No but remember that when you are creating the Task field, remove the check mark in the Event Layout, this way the field is only added in the Tasks.