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User's page layout and language used by Executive Opportunity Alerts.

Hi all, 


I am in need to inactive a user. While trying to inactive, it showing the following message.


User's page layout and language used by Executive Opportunity Alerts.


This user's page layout and language settings are applied to all Executive Opportunity Alerts. This user must be an active user with the 'View All Data' permission. Before changing the user settings or profile, select a different user for Executive Opportunity Alerts. 


I have removed all the reports and dashboards assosiate with this user, and tried to change the record type for his profile. Even also i cant able to inactive. Kindly help me out. Thanks in advance.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 


Have you checked "Use Page Layout and Language From" in Big Deal Alert settings page?

https://<SF instance>


All Answers


Please have a look at the Email alerts in the Opportunity object. Probably this user is mentioned somewhere in any email alerts being used on the opportunity object.


Check for all the email alerts and work flows for this user.


I hope this is the issue.




Hi j020,

    Thanks for your reply. Yes I have checked email alerts and workflow rules. This user is not mentioned anywhere....




Have you checked "Use Page Layout and Language From" in Big Deal Alert settings page?

https://<SF instance>


This was selected as the best answer

Thanks nylon, It is inactivated.


I have teh same issue with making one user inactive. What do I need to enter for < SF Instance> portiono fURL, Thank you