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How to achieve this functionality using salesforce?



I would like to implement Feedback functionality to my Site / Portal. All i would like to achieve is, when a user clicks on the feedback link, Microsoft outlook should open with an To address pre-populated. How could this be achieved using salesforce? Any pointers are appreciated on the same. 



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Isn't that nothing more that putting an href tag in the generated HTML with a "mailto:" URL?




..... boatload of <apex:tags>


To provide feedback <a href="">send us a message</a>


..... what even other VF you want, etc.



Or am I not understanding your question?

All Answers


Isn't that nothing more that putting an href tag in the generated HTML with a "mailto:" URL?




..... boatload of <apex:tags>


To provide feedback <a href="">send us a message</a>


..... what even other VF you want, etc.



Or am I not understanding your question?

This was selected as the best answer

Thanks Steve, now i realize how dumb i ve become :) . This is really crazy stuff!!!


Can I add functionality to this link to prepopulate the body of the email with a template id from salesforce?