I just need to use the reply button code from salesforce twitter: below is the code
var id = null; var url = window.location.href; var status = '{!sf4twitter__Twitter_Conversation__c.sf4twitter__Status__c}';
if (status == 'Deleted') { alert('{!$Label.sf4twitter__CONVERSATION_IS_DELETED_GENERIC}'); } else { // get the object id from the current url var id_regex = /(\/|\?|&)id=([^&]*)/i; var match_result = id_regex.exec(url); if (match_result != null) { id = match_result[2]; } else { var std_url_regex = /salesforce\.com\/([^&\/=?]*)/i; var std_url_match_result = std_url_regex.exec(url); if (std_url_match_result != null) { id = std_url_match_result[1]; } } var launchedFromHover = false;
if (id != null && id.indexOf('emptyHtmlDoc.html') >= 0) {
var recordIdContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('bRelatedList')[0]; id = recordIdContainer.id.split("_")[0]; launchedFromHover = true; } // go to the message form with the obtained id if (id != null) { var popupHeight = 450; var popupWidth = 500; var popupLeft = ( screen.width - popupWidth ) / 2; var popupTop = ( screen.height - popupHeight ) / 2;
I had a same scenario where I wanted to add some extra code in the class that was available in the Manage app but could not able to do it, then I created my own app (Simple App and not Twitter App).
If a reply to a post answers your question or resolves your problem, please mark it as the solution to the post so that others may benefit.
We cannot modify the code if the installed Package (AppExchange Apps) Type is Managed.
If a reply to a post answers your question or resolves your problem, please mark it as the solution to the post so that others may benefit.
Madhan Raja M
But if it is unmanaged, you can modify the package contents ...
Thanks for the info.
I just need to use the reply button code from salesforce twitter: below is the code
var id = null;
var url = window.location.href;
var status = '{!sf4twitter__Twitter_Conversation__c.sf4twitter__Status__c}';
if (status == 'Deleted') {
else {
// get the object id from the current url
var id_regex = /(\/|\?|&)id=([^&]*)/i;
var match_result = id_regex.exec(url);
if (match_result != null) {
id = match_result[2];
} else {
var std_url_regex = /salesforce\.com\/([^&\/=?]*)/i;
var std_url_match_result = std_url_regex.exec(url);
if (std_url_match_result != null) {
id = std_url_match_result[1];
var launchedFromHover = false;
if (id != null && id.indexOf('emptyHtmlDoc.html') >= 0) {
var recordIdContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('bRelatedList')[0];
id = recordIdContainer.id.split("_")[0];
launchedFromHover = true;
// go to the message form with the obtained id
if (id != null) {
var popupHeight = 450;
var popupWidth = 500;
var popupLeft = ( screen.width - popupWidth ) / 2;
var popupTop = ( screen.height - popupHeight ) / 2;
var popupSpecs =
'width='+ popupWidth + ',' +
'height=' + popupHeight + ',' +
'left=' + popupLeft + ',' +
'top=' + popupTop+ ',' +
'toolbar=no,' +
'titlebar=no,' +
'location=no,' +
'directories=no,' +
'status=no,' +
'menubar=no,' +
'scrollbars=yes,' +
'copyhistory=yes,' +
if (launchedFromHover) {
'/apex/sf4twitter__TwitterMessage?id=' + id + '&retURL='+encodeURIComponent(top.location),
} else {
'/apex/sf4twitter__TwitterMessage?id=' + id + '&retURL='+encodeURIComponent(window.location),
the lines marked in red: are getting encoded....what has to be done???
Is the App type is Managed or Unmanaged?
Madhan Raja M
Its manged package. No scope to use the code, but is there any solution to add a new class which is custom, the same functionality.
We can create a new class but this class cannot be called from the App.
Madhan Raja M
Yes, your right. Tried but could not do that.
I had a same issue and then I created my own App.
If a reply to a post answers your question or resolves your problem, please mark it as the solution to the post so that others may benefit.
Madhan Raja M
You mean the salesforce twitter complete app!!!! u have done by your own.
I was just trying to approve the post after they try to reply to thr twitter post. it has to be approved and then posted.
Could this be done!!
I had a same scenario where I wanted to add some extra code in the class that was available in the Manage app but could not able to do it, then I created my own app (Simple App and not Twitter App).
If a reply to a post answers your question or resolves your problem, please mark it as the solution to the post so that others may benefit.
Madhan Raja M
hoo, okay...