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Custom Field for Opporutnities

I'm not sure if this is possible, but I'd like to have a custom field in Opportunities that will return a number value based on if there exists any Open Activities.  I'd like the result to return a negative value representing days past due, or a positive value representing days in the future.


For the life of me I can't see how to do this when creating a new calculated field, since there seem to be no references to the Task/Activity fields in the drop downs when adding fields to a calculation.  Could anyone walk me through setting this up if it's possible, or let me know if not. 


Thanks much.






You would have to create a trigger for something like this, which would need additional design consideration, such as, do you want it to update on Activity change, or opportunity change?



Thanks for the response Jim. Unfortunately triggers are beyond my ability at this point, as i'm just getting my feet wet on customization. I'm puzzled though as to why when creating a new Activity Custom Field, it doesn't include the "Due Date"(or Activity Date) field as an option in the drop down for a formula field type.