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Code coverage (for our own organization/Force acc)



Currently Iam using trial account so Iam unsure is there are any differences when you buy for 50$/user.


I know that the code coverage should be more then 75% if I would like to use automatic deployment to other organisations.


But what if me myself manage our and create new apex classes and triggers, which will have less then 75% coverage. Will our company users be able to use that classes and triggers if I create them in our application? 


Thanks for your explanation.


Best regards.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I think in your trial version you can create your own code, but in an actual production org you cannot create apex code.

All Answers


Surely u need to have your organisation's code coverage above 75% for deployment


Are you sure that I need more then 75% coverage to use this APEX classes if I code in production mode? Iam asking this because I dont see any option to Deploy class or trigger...


How do you do that?



I think in your trial version you can create your own code, but in an actual production org you cannot create apex code.

This was selected as the best answer

Thanks for your anwser! I hate that Trial vs. Real production differences... 


So if I have a free Developer account, and I connect my production account with it, I could deploy from DEV one to Procution one. But in this case I will have to look for at least 75% of Code coverage of all APEX classes.


Have I understod it correctly?


Sounds about right. Nobody likes writing test code. But it's alot better than getting fired because you ruined your entire company's database :D 


True! :)