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Eclipse - Production rollout errors with installed packages
I have a trigger I would like to roll out to production, but I am getting errors with test classes from installed packages.
Specifically related to Chatter Answers. I am unable to delete or inactivate chatter_answers_question_escalation_to_case_trigger.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
how should i delete a class or a trigger if the production is live? You're answer is just useless @ForceCom
Firstly you got to be polite with your fellow community members and follow certain ethics.
Secondly , my answer/reply was pertaining to deleting chatter answers code which is generated when you activate it and not to your question to delete a class or a trigger if the production is live.
Follow the conversation carfefully , before posting some stuff.
To answer your question , you have to delete the class or trigger in the eclipse and deploy it to production . This will delete the class or trigger from production.
where it was not polite? i think u got a problem with the word "useless", well it wasnt any anger or smthn behind this.
so anyway if u got this ChatterAnswersEscalationTriggerTest.cls problem from chatterAnswers, u cant deploy anything even from sandbox then from from eclipse.cus of coverage
the code coverage of this "chatterAnswer" is just horrible, funny that salesforce let us know that we need at least 75% coverage but they cant do it on their own stuff
i found the only one Solution, u have to delete the triggers and classes of chatteranswers all at the same time in the IDE