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Developer Console - Search text in Class



Is there any way that i can search for any text in a class/page while working in Developer Console. I have a long class with thousand lines of code and need to find some specific text in that class. Browsers 'Ctr + F' does not works. It only shows me the search results from the few lines of code that is visible on the page.


Does DC provides any search text box which i am missing which i can use to search the text from my code?

Tejpal KumawatTejpal Kumawat



There are near X (cross for close ) , "Open in new window" component like this Sign (▲)  click this & Simply Clicking (Ctrl +F) you can search anything...



If a reply to a post answers your question or resolves your problem, please mark it as the solution to the post so that others may benefit.

Thanks & Regards


Tej Pal Kumawat

(Certified Developer) |



Not working for me, tried in chrome and firefox :(


Collapsed the top section and the bottom section just to show the code but Ctr F only searches what is shown on the screen.

Tejpal KumawatTejpal Kumawat

Hi Gulshan,


I have tried in all of these browser Chrome, IE, Safari & Firefox . There are working for all...


Your Url also be change when clicking "Open in new window" component(▲) 




Test it

If a reply to a post answers your question or resolves your problem, please mark it as the solution to the post so that others may benefit.

Thanks & Regards


Tej Pal Kumawat

(Certified Developer) |


Ok, I can see that Open in a new Window when i Open the Execute Anonymous window but not for a class.


I want to search in a class having 5000 lines of code. Are you talking about the same. If you can paste a screenshot that will be helpfull. Thank You.

Tejpal KumawatTejpal Kumawat

Hi Gulshan,


to check  snapShot go to my blog


Url :

If a reply to a post answers your question or resolves your problem, please mark it as the solution to the post so that others may benefit.

Thanks & Regards


Tej Pal Kumawat

(Certified Developer) |

Thomas DvornikThomas Dvornik

Unfortuantly, a browser's ctrl+f is the only way to currently search. It is in the pipeline. You can vote it up here:

Meer ZamanMeer Zaman
Hi Middha,

We can search in File/Files, using options Find and Search in Files from developer console Edit menu.
Options are highlighted in screenshot below for details.

User-added image 

Yogini K 7Yogini K 7
Try clicking on any line of your code and then search using ctr+F. It will highlight all the results from the code.
Gulshan Middha 1 6Gulshan Middha 1 6
Thanks guys, would have appreciated your help 5 years ago when I first posted this query and these options were not available :D

Salesforce changes a lot in 5 years time.
David Roberts 4David Roberts 4
...and now that LEX is here, the "search in files" doesn't search lightning components. Perhaps it will in another 5 years.
Darsh ApteDarsh Apte
I have tried in all of these browser Chrome, IE, Safari & Firefox . There are working for all...And also nice to see this forum. And i would like to share about GIPCL Recruitment (
Deepali KulshresthaDeepali Kulshrestha
Hi Middha,

Check below steps:

1. Simply click (Ctrl+F) then appear search box in the search box enter your text and press enter.

2. When you press enter your text is highlighted.

3. If you want to find another related text then you click (Up) and (Down) Arrow button accordingly which is available with the search box.

I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.

Thanks and Regards,
Deepali Kulshrestha
David Roberts 4David Roberts 4
To search lightning components, use the Chrome add-in, "Salesforce advanced Code searcher". It appears at the top of your setup page and works a treat.
Ruby SmithRuby Smith
We can search in File/Files, using options Find and Search in Files from developer console Edit menu. Here we are providing clash magic download ( here you can check the details of clash of magic.
Leanbridge TechnologiesLeanbridge Technologies
Using this extension you can search your code components your salesforce instance: 1) apex Classes 2) Apex Triggers 3) visualforce Pages 4) Visualforce Components 5) Lighting Component In addition to the above you can use this extension to jump to classes / pages / triggers from the advanced quick find section on the left hand side.
Max KushMax Kush
"Unfortuantly, a browser's ctrl+f is the only way to currently search. It is in the pipeline. You can vote it up here:

thanks a lot mates, this issue really works for me well, i really appriciate it
Latest Govt Jobs IndiaLatest Govt Jobs India
Thanks for sharing this information.
Utpal Konwar 15Utpal Konwar 15 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Great Article Thanks
Puneetpal SinghPuneetpal Singh
I'm new in here but I've also checked search in files is working to find a piece of code in the class. 
Rojgar Walkins (