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Salesforce SOAP API returning incorrect data

Hi there,


Been having a few issues with the Salesforce API for a while now... this doesn't happen often but it does occur pretty frequent. The link below is just an images to show what is happening....


Basically, I'm just showing off how 1 particular record looks like and the issue that seem to be occuring within the response from Salesforce which appears to be a bug. 


On section:

#1 -- I'm just showing Id of the record that's being retrieved.

#2 -- One of the values we're pulling back is slightly correct, but also very wrong. the value associated to the record is 0.0000 but the response we get back from salesforce is 9.2756605126005708706853560339489977171E-34..... instead of limiting to the 18 character float value it's suppose to be.

#3 -- Just a standard query we are using to pull back records from salesforce

#4 -- Showing the record we retrieved using the salesforce WSDL generated Class sObject

#5 -- Our field definision which is also incorrect. In this case, Salesforce is describing the field as a double with 26 field lenght size when the maxium allowed is 18 and also showing incorrect values.


I've tried submitting this as a bug through the partner portal, but Salesforce no longer supports none 'premium' partners when submitting a development case. 


I would greatly appreciate some help with this issue and figure out records are being retrieve in this way.


Thanks for your time.



Here's the record from the UI / Browser, which has a completely different value


I also have access to the raw SOAP request / response, and they both show the same as in the parsed value within .NET....








<records xsi:type="sf:sObject">
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	<sf:User_Full_Name__c xsi:nil="true"/>
	<sf:Portal_User_Monthly_Last_Login_Date__c xsi:nil="true"/>
	<sf:Portal_User_Individual_Login_Date_Time__c xsi:nil="true"/>
	<sf:Contact__c xsi:nil="true"/>
	<sf:Portal_User_Individual_Login_Date__c xsi:nil="true"/>
	<sf:Channel__c>All Channels</sf:Channel__c>
	<sf:Content_Subscriptions__c xsi:nil="true"/>
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