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Jerry HeJerry He 

What does do in high availability?

I have a question about the high availability that does, for example, when there is something wrong happened, what does do to make our user use the system in a little time later, where can I get the information.

I have just got the information that do does this but not metions about what they do.

Please help me, thx.


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I believe the prior answers are not what you're looking for, but this might help:



What is MirrorForce?
MirrorForce is the first fully mirrored on demand infrastructure. has two fully mirrored data centers and a production-class lab and tape archive facility for:

- Unmatched Reliability
- Multi-level data replication within and between facilities
- Seamless disaster recovery
- Maximum Availability & Performance
- Carrier neutral network strategy
- No single points of failure
- Engineered for millions of concurrent users
- Trusted Security
- Zero external exposure/transfers of data
- Continual testing and auditing

Multiple Data Center Strategy - San Jose, Northern Virginia, San Francisco Lab

- Facilities linked through a dedicated OC-48 backbone
- Real time fail-over
- Point to multi-point replication
- Disk-to-disk-to-tape backup strategy


- Secure facilities
- Backup tapes stored on-site only - never leave our facility
- Biometric scanning
- Opaque cages, "no-lights" facility
- Video and infrared surveillance
- Intrusion detection scanning and security audits

Basically, they have three warehouses spread across the entire United States of America. In the event of a major outage, including total hardware failure and/or power or network connectivity problems, can transfer all traffic to one of the redundant data centers in a span of about 4 hours (the time needed to proprogate DNS changes), with no more than approximately 10 seconds worth of "lost" data (the "real-time mirroring" mechanism will get all but possibly the last few seconds right before the total failure condition). Any condition that would cause unavailability of all three centers would obviously be something that would be a disaster affecting the entire country.

All Answers




For this you need to contact salesforce then just log a case to them. For this just click the help link next to your username at the top and from there you can log a case.


Also you can set the Severity Level for your case as below, salesforce will respond to you according to your Severity Level.


Level Description and Examples

Level 1 – Critical production issue affecting all users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues with no workaround available.

Level 2 – Urgent Major functionality is impacted or significant performance degradation is experienced. Issue is persistent and affects many users and/or major functionality. No reasonable workaround available.

Level 3 – High System performance issue or bug affecting some but not all users. Short-term workaround is available, but not scalable.

Level 4 – Medium Inquiry regarding a routine technical issue; information requested on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration; bug affecting a small number of users. Reasonable workaround available. Resolution required as soon as reasonably practicable.

If your request does not meet the Severity Level criteria as defined above, Support may re-classify it as appropriate.

For Severity 1 cases, please call directly.'s Global Support Organization can be reached via phone.


NOTE:  Please always call support if all or most all of your users are not able to access Salesforce!


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 




You can always check availability at


I believe the prior answers are not what you're looking for, but this might help:



What is MirrorForce?
MirrorForce is the first fully mirrored on demand infrastructure. has two fully mirrored data centers and a production-class lab and tape archive facility for:

- Unmatched Reliability
- Multi-level data replication within and between facilities
- Seamless disaster recovery
- Maximum Availability & Performance
- Carrier neutral network strategy
- No single points of failure
- Engineered for millions of concurrent users
- Trusted Security
- Zero external exposure/transfers of data
- Continual testing and auditing

Multiple Data Center Strategy - San Jose, Northern Virginia, San Francisco Lab

- Facilities linked through a dedicated OC-48 backbone
- Real time fail-over
- Point to multi-point replication
- Disk-to-disk-to-tape backup strategy


- Secure facilities
- Backup tapes stored on-site only - never leave our facility
- Biometric scanning
- Opaque cages, "no-lights" facility
- Video and infrared surveillance
- Intrusion detection scanning and security audits

Basically, they have three warehouses spread across the entire United States of America. In the event of a major outage, including total hardware failure and/or power or network connectivity problems, can transfer all traffic to one of the redundant data centers in a span of about 4 hours (the time needed to proprogate DNS changes), with no more than approximately 10 seconds worth of "lost" data (the "real-time mirroring" mechanism will get all but possibly the last few seconds right before the total failure condition). Any condition that would cause unavailability of all three centers would obviously be something that would be a disaster affecting the entire country.

This was selected as the best answer
Jerry HeJerry He

Thanks for your reply.
