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Page Layout not updating



I have been trying to incorporate two new custom fields into the page record for the Contact object.  I used an inbound change set to bring in the two new fields.  I then manually added these two new fields to the page layout for the Contact record using the standard page layout editor in the production environment.  While the two new fields appeared in the correct place on the editor, when I then selected preview, they didn't appear under any of the profiles either in the Preview Edit Page or in the Preview Detail Page.  They also don't appear in the actual Contact record.


I've tested this with moving the new fields to different places; making them required fields; saving; going back in and re-saving; etc., but nothing works: they simply will not appear on the Contact record.


The change set was prepared in the Winter '14 Sandbox, whereas our production environment is still Summer '13.


Please advise.


Many thanks.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Have you assigned the field level security for any profiles or permissions sets? If you don't, change sets assume the worst and don't make them available to anyone, not even administrator.

This is true with any permissionable item: fields, objects, visualforce pages, apps, tabs...unless you explicitly state which users/profiles can access them, they will be made unavailable.

All Answers

Have you assigned the field level security for any profiles or permissions sets? If you don't, change sets assume the worst and don't make them available to anyone, not even administrator.

This is true with any permissionable item: fields, objects, visualforce pages, apps, tabs...unless you explicitly state which users/profiles can access them, they will be made unavailable.
This was selected as the best answer

Thanks, Peter: that solved my problem.

Glad to hear it. Change set's can catch you out that way. If you know the profile, or have a permissions set, always deploy it with the features of the change set.