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Translate Standard Field Label



I could't manage to figure out how (if its possible) to translate the Standard Object / Standard field labels ( eg, Account objct / "Account name" field)?

I tried to use the Translation Workbench, but there I can only change the custom field labels.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Are you trying to change the Account Name field label? Or customize the translation of that field in multiple languages?


You can modify the default Name label under Setup -> Customize -> Tab Names & labels -> Rename tabs and labels. Then edit Accounts. 


But you won't be able to translate standard field definitions in the Translation Workbench as you already mentioned. 

All Answers


Are you trying to change the Account Name field label? Or customize the translation of that field in multiple languages?


You can modify the default Name label under Setup -> Customize -> Tab Names & labels -> Rename tabs and labels. Then edit Accounts. 


But you won't be able to translate standard field definitions in the Translation Workbench as you already mentioned. 

This was selected as the best answer
Marc C.Marc C.

So there is absolutely no way to change the label of a standard field on a standard object in say another language? So if Sales Force translated badly we're stuck with it...!?!


I could not find any way to translate standard field label.I have gone through but could not find it in translate or override feature provided by salesforce.



Thank you very much.

this post helped me a lot.




Oh I found the answer on this one - so updating this 4 years later in case anyone else needs to find it

Go to Setup -> Customize -> Rename Tabs and Labels
Select Language as Japanese
click on Edit link next to Object which contains the Field to be renamed
Click on Next
Enter the transalted Value
Click on Save

Sébastien RichardSébastien Richard
Thanks Jodie.