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User Login History with Browser information

Couple of questions:


- In the report generated from User  object with columns such as last login date, name, email, and browser..
instead of generating report with all the login attempts by users, can we display only the last login history record per user for every user?


-  'Browser', field is available on User object,  from Winter 14 release onwards only. For instances in prior release, can we get this information i.e. Name of the browser used to login?


Thank you for your time and insights!






For the first question, to generate a report of users with the last login time instead of all login attempts, - there is a standard report of type 'users' in salesforce.
Create a new report and for type,select Users. There is a last login column you can display here.

Hope this helps.

Satish Kumar
Please mark my answer as a solution if it was helpful so it is available to others as a proper solution.
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Also the Browser Type field is only available from Winter 14 onwards and it is not possible to get the details of the Browser in Salesforce versions prior to Winter 14.

Hope this helps.
Satish Kumar
Please mark my answer as a solution if it was helpful so it is available to others as a proper solution.
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Thank you for taking the time to provide your insights. I am sorry for not clarifying my questions earlier...


Using the last login column gives login record of every single time a user has logged in. What I was seeking for was a way to display only one record per user, and that record being the record created when the user logged in for the last time.


So instead of having a report return something like


Last Name       Last Login

Kirsten              2001-01-01....

Kirsten              2001-02-01..

Kirsten              2001-03-01..

Kewell               2001-04-01..

Kewell               2001-05-01..

Kewell               2001-06-01


i was looking something like this


Last Name       Last Login

Kirsten              2001-03-01....

Kewell              2001-06-01..


Also, Browser field is in fact the latest addition in Winter 14 release. What I am seeking is there any other way we can extract this info for pre Winter 14 release?

Ok now i understand. For your first question, unfortunately there is no standard way in salesforce to acheive this. The best way would be generate such a report and export it to excel. With a little excel magic (sort by last login and removing duplicates etc), you might be able to get what you desire.

That said, let me test this by creating a matrix type report and checking if it works.

For the second question, the Browser field is a new addition and hence we cannot get such data for pre winter 14 releasesof salesforce

Hope this helps.
Satish Kumar
Please mark my answer as a solution if it was helpful so it is available to others as a proper solution.
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